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lothwaite [2022/06/20 22:08]
lothwaite [2024/05/01 17:58] (current)
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 |**Political ties:** | Allied with the Kilkaen elves and holds loose political ties with Torm. Tries to stay neutral.|  |**Political ties:** | Allied with the Kilkaen elves and holds loose political ties with Torm. Tries to stay neutral.| 
 |**Religious ties:** | Lothwaite holds Nim'navanon as their favored patron.|  |**Religious ties:** | Lothwaite holds Nim'navanon as their favored patron.| 
 +|**Est. Pop.**| 2,001 to 20,000 |
 |**Tier:** | [[rules:city_assault|Tier 2]] | |**Tier:** | [[rules:city_assault|Tier 2]] |
lothwaite.1655762911.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/06/20 22:08 by titania