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kobold [2023/10/10 21:05]
titania [Kobold]
kobold [2024/07/19 17:18] (current)
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 ====== Kobold ====== ====== Kobold ======
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 <color red>**Warning**</color>: This is an advanced race, known as a PK-race. It imposes disadvantages on your gameplay: You will be banned in most cities and shunned across the realm. You start with your NOPK-flag turned off and other players may attack you because of your race. You may not, however, attack a player of a standard race without additional provocation. <color red>**Warning**</color>: This is an advanced race, known as a PK-race. It imposes disadvantages on your gameplay: You will be banned in most cities and shunned across the realm. You start with your NOPK-flag turned off and other players may attack you because of your race. You may not, however, attack a player of a standard race without additional provocation.
 +===== Gallery =====
kobold.1696971919.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/10/10 21:05 by titania