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gnoll [2024/08/16 14:02]
titania [Gnoll]
gnoll [2025/01/11 02:35] (current)
titania [Gnoll]
Line 4: Line 4:
 | Stat adjustments | +2 strength, +2 constitution, -2 charisma|  | Stat adjustments | +2 strength, +2 constitution, -2 charisma| 
 | Innate spells: | none|  | Innate spells: | none| 
-| Size | large+| Size | medium
 | Standard resonances | dark |  | Standard resonances | dark | 
 | Classes allowed| barbarian, cleric, druid, fighter, oracle, ranger, thief, warlock|  | Classes allowed| barbarian, cleric, druid, fighter, oracle, ranger, thief, warlock| 
gnoll.1723816927.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/08/16 14:02 by titania