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geography [2023/09/19 15:36]
geography [2024/05/03 15:21] (current)
titania [Dagger Reaches]
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 [[Zartan's Mainland Map]]\\ [[Zartan's Mainland Map]]\\
 [[Island Map]]\\ [[Island Map]]\\
-[[Nefarium's Map Compendium]]\\ 
 [[Areas and Quest Lists]]\\ [[Areas and Quest Lists]]\\
 [[rules:city_assault|City Tiers/Aggressive Interactions]] [[rules:city_assault|City Tiers/Aggressive Interactions]]
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   * [[antioch|The City of Antioch]]   * [[antioch|The City of Antioch]]
   * [[moonstone|Moonstone Valley]]   * [[moonstone|Moonstone Valley]]
-  * [[beastmen|Beastmen of Charu Mountains]]+  * [[beastmen|Beastkin of Charu Mountains]]
 ===== Darkwood Area ===== ===== Darkwood Area =====
Line 24: Line 23:
   * [[tabor|City of Tabor]]   * [[tabor|City of Tabor]]
   * [[sarcosta|Sarcosta River]]   * [[sarcosta|Sarcosta River]]
-  * [[talzashaar|Talzashaar Teeth's]]+  * [[talzashaar|Talzashaar'Teeth]]
   * [[yntala|Yntala Forest]]    * [[yntala|Yntala Forest]] 
Line 32: Line 31:
   * [[torm|The City of Torm]]   * [[torm|The City of Torm]]
   * [[tonovi|The City of Tonovi]]   * [[tonovi|The City of Tonovi]]
-  * [[nurval|The Demesne of Nurval]]+  * [[daggerdale|The Ruins of Daggerdale]]
   * [[kinaro|The City of Kinaro]]   * [[kinaro|The City of Kinaro]]
   * [[akhketonn|The City of Akh'ketonn]]   * [[akhketonn|The City of Akh'ketonn]]
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   * [[dagger_mountains|Dagger Mountains]]   * [[dagger_mountains|Dagger Mountains]]
   * [[shelk_river|Shelk River]]   * [[shelk_river|Shelk River]]
-  * [[yniam_plains|Protectorate of Yniam]]+  * [[yniam_plains|The Yniam Plains]]
   * [[kilkaen_forest|Kilkaen Forest]]   * [[kilkaen_forest|Kilkaen Forest]]
   * [[the_merchant_exchange|The Merchant Exchange]]   * [[the_merchant_exchange|The Merchant Exchange]]
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   * [[tharis_forest|Tharis Forest]]   * [[tharis_forest|Tharis Forest]]
-===== The Tsarven Empire ===== +===== The Tsarven Region ===== 
-The Tsarven Empire is a gathering of seven kingdoms and states (not including Tsarven itself) south of Talzashaars Teeth. It covers the entire continent south and southwest of the Shadow region, and can be roughly compared to the historic stretches of Arabia, Persia and Mongolia. It is actually the second, historically, to rule the region south of the great mountains. The first empire was composed of many Djinni kingdoms that inhabited the area from -7,800SG to -6,100SG. The current Empire arose primarily from the human slave stock of the firsthaving rebelled and overthrown their former masters following the end of the Age of Skyfire. These human slaves broke off into clans and tribes, many of which died out in the ensuing millenniabut the remainder gathered and began forming the present-day kingdoms and states.+The Tsarven Region consists of seven kingdoms and states nestled south of Talzashaar's Teeth, spanning the continent south and southwest of the Shadow region. Its geographical expanse evokes echoes of historic lands like Arabia, Persiaand Mongolia. Uniquely, it stands as the second empire to rule the region south of the great mountains. The initial empire, formed by Djinni kingdoms, flourished from -7,800SG to -6,100SG. Present-day Tsarven emerged from the emancipated human slave stock of the Djinni empirerebelling and overthrowing their former masters after the Age of Skyfire. These freed humans diverged into clans and tribes, with some fading away over millennia, while others coalesced to establish the current kingdoms and states. 
 +For over seven centuries, The Celestial Emperor served as the guardian of the Tsarven Empiredelicately maintaining a tenuous peace between the kingdoms. However, the Silence of 737SG revealed a transformative truth: the dragon Kreysneothosies and the immortal Emperor were one and the same. The Celestial Emperor ascended into the new pantheon as a protector of all civilized lands, leaving the future of the Empire uncertain. 
 +In the aftermath, Kreysneothosies' heir ascended to the throne. Attempting to maintain stability, the new ruler invited representatives from the seven kingdoms to form a council and assist in governance. However, this initiative quickly fell apart due to the vast differences and conflicting desires between the kingdoms, exacerbating internal discord rather than fostering unity. 
 +The faltering efficacy of this new counsel not only failed to maintain the Empire's once-unwavering stability but also became a catalyst for deep divisions between the kingdoms. Old grudges, long subdued, now resurface with renewed vigor, and the seeds of fresh conflicts are sown. The kingdoms, now decentralized, find themselves navigating a precarious path, each standing on its own in a bid for survival.
 //Note: These locations, with the exception of Azha, are unreachable in-game, but many players use them as a part of their histories and homelands.//  //Note: These locations, with the exception of Azha, are unreachable in-game, but many players use them as a part of their histories and homelands.// 
-  * [[tsarven|Crown Demesne - Imperial Free City of Tsarven]] +  * [[azha|Azha]]
-  * [[azha|Crown Demesne - Azha Territory]]+
   * [[lirremar|State of Lirremar]]   * [[lirremar|State of Lirremar]]
   * [[sindh|State of Sindh]]   * [[sindh|State of Sindh]]
Line 89: Line 93:
   * Graez : City of [[graez|Graez]]   * Graez : City of [[graez|Graez]]
   * Laerad : City of [[asgard|Asgard]], Town of [[systyquah|Systyquah]]   * Laerad : City of [[asgard|Asgard]], Town of [[systyquah|Systyquah]]
 +  * Serakii : City of [[serith|Serith]]
 ===== Outer Worlds ===== ===== Outer Worlds =====
geography.1695137781.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/19 15:36 by titania