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dragonkin [2023/11/20 17:41]
titania created
dragonkin [2025/01/11 02:36] (current)
titania [Dragonkin]
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 ====== Dragonkin ====== ====== Dragonkin ======
 |Stat adjustments | +2 strength, +2 charisma, -2 dexterity |  |Stat adjustments | +2 strength, +2 charisma, -2 dexterity | 
 |Innate spells | none| |Innate spells | none|
 |Size | medium| |Size | medium|
 |Standard resonances | any| |Standard resonances | any|
 |Classes allowed | barbarian, cleric, fighter, mage, magus, monk, oracle, paladin, ranger, sorcerer|  |Classes allowed | barbarian, cleric, fighter, mage, magus, monk, oracle, paladin, ranger, sorcerer| 
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 |Average life span | 250|  |Average life span | 250| 
-==== Racial Traitsv+==== Racial Traits ====
 |Metallic Form | +2 natural armor bonus| |Metallic Form | +2 natural armor bonus|
 |Intimidating | +2 to intimidation checks| |Intimidating | +2 to intimidation checks|
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 their size, but they also exude a commanding presence, a sense of destiny that their size, but they also exude a commanding presence, a sense of destiny that
 scalykind and non-scaly races alike find it compelling. scalykind and non-scaly races alike find it compelling.
 +Additional Reading:\\
 +[[An Introduction to Dragonkin]]\\
 +[[Dragonkin Primer]]\\
 +[[Notable Dragonkin]]\\
 +===== Gallery =====
 +{{dragon-kin-cave.jpg?300|Stone}}\\ **Stone**\\ {{dragon_kin_water.png?300|Wave}}\\ **Wave**\\
 +{{dragonkin-blue.jpg?300|Wind}}\\ **Wind**\\ {{dragon_fire.png?300|Flame}}\\ **Flame**\\
dragonkin.1700502077.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/11/20 17:41 by titania