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dictionary_of_commands [2024/05/06 13:48]
titania [S]
dictionary_of_commands [2025/02/23 20:34] (current)
titania [S]
Line 7: Line 7:
 [[adjective]] \\ [[adjective]] \\
 [[advance]] \\ [[advance]] \\
 +[[advance class special]]\\
 [[advantage]] \\ [[advantage]] \\
 [[age]] \\ [[age]] \\
Line 22: Line 23:
 [[blindfold]] \\ [[blindfold]] \\
 [[block]] \\ [[block]] \\
 +[[bloodshard]] \\
 [[bonuses]] \\ [[bonuses]] \\
 [[brew]] \\ [[brew]] \\
Line 35: Line 37:
 [[combat maneuvers]] \\ [[combat maneuvers]] \\
 [[con]] \\ [[con]] \\
 [[containers]] \\ [[containers]] \\
 [[cooking]] \\ [[cooking]] \\
Line 63: Line 66:
 [[eat]] \\ [[eat]] \\
 [[eavesdrop]] \\ [[eavesdrop]] \\
 +[[editor]] \\
 [[emote]] \\ [[emote]] \\
 [[emoteat]] \\ [[emoteat]] \\
Line 80: Line 84:
 [[follow]] \\ [[follow]] \\
 [[follower]] \\ [[follower]] \\
-[[followers]] \\ 
 [[forage]] \\ [[forage]] \\
 [[forget]] \\ [[forget]] \\
-[[fortune]] \\ 
 ==== G ==== ==== G ====
Line 109: Line 111:
 [[introduce]] \\ [[introduce]] \\
 [[inventory]] \\ [[inventory]] \\
 +==== J ====
 +[[jade stone]]\\
 ==== K ==== ==== K ====
Line 128: Line 133:
 [[map]] \\ [[map]] \\
 [[master]] \\ [[master]] \\
-[[mats]] \\+[[mats|mats (enchanting materials)]] \\
 [[message]] \\ [[message]] \\
 [[metamagic]] \\ [[metamagic]] \\
Line 135: Line 140:
 ==== N ==== ==== N ====
 [[nickname]] \\ [[nickname]] \\
Line 167: Line 173:
 [[reply]] \\ [[reply]] \\
 [[report]] \\ [[report]] \\
 +[[reputation]] \\
 [[review]] \\ [[review]] \\
 [[reward]] \\ [[reward]] \\
Line 176: Line 183:
 [[saving throws]] \\ [[saving throws]] \\
 [[say]] \\ [[say]] \\
 +[[school]] \\
 [[score]] \\ [[score]] \\
 [[scrying]] \\ [[scrying]] \\
Line 207: Line 215:
 [[submit]] \\ [[submit]] \\
 [[suicide]] \\ [[suicide]] \\
 +[[survey]] \\
 ==== T ==== ==== T ====
dictionary_of_commands.1715003283.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/05/06 13:48 by titania