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deep_gnome [2021/03/21 13:42]
titania created
deep_gnome [2024/07/19 17:06] (current)
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-| Advanced race | requires an account with a lvl 30 character | +| Stat adjustments | +2 dexterity, +2 wisdom, -2 strength|  
-| Stat adjustments | +2 dexterity, +2 wisdom, -2 strength +| Innate spells | displacement, alter self|  
-| Skill adjustments | +2 stealth | +| Size | small|  
-| Misc bonuses | +2 saves vs illusions, +2 dodge bonus to AC, 1MR+| Standard resonances Light and Twilight 
-| Innate spells | displacement, alter self | +| Classes allowedbarbarian, bard, cleric, fighter, mage, magus, monkoracle, psion, psywarrior, sorcererthief, warlock |  
-| Standard alignments any non-evil +| Normal adventuring starting age | 61-96|  
-| Classes restricted paladinranger, psion, psywarrior, druidinquisitor +| Average life span | 350|  
-| Normal adventuring starting age | 61-96 | +====Racial Traits==== 
-| Average life span | 350 |+| Hatred | +1 to attack bonus when fighting dwarves and lizardfolk|  
 +| Spell Resistanc | +1 to spell resistance|  
 +| Illusion Resistance | +2 to saves vs illusion spells|  
 +| Stalker | +2 to stealth skill|  
 ==== Description ==== ==== Description ====
-Also known as svirfneblinthese gnomes are considered more dangerous, and +Svirfneblinor deep gnomes are a reclusive offshoot of the gnome race. They 
-to some, more vicious than their cousins. However, they are actually of +dwell underground in hidden citiessafe from drow and other subterranean races. 
-similarly good intentions as their surface kindred. They are, however, +They have skin the color of gray or brown stone. A svirfneblin's ties to the 
-distrustful of most outsiders, and may come across as antisocial, having a +eerie realm of the fey are much stronger than those of their surface-dwelling 
-dour nature that is not given to the humor and openness of their +gnome kin, and this makes them either strangely detached from their emotions or 
-above-ground cousins. They are much given to stealth as a means of survival +violently random in their outburstsSvirfneblin have long fought wars against 
-in their underdark homes, which consist of large, complex cities carved +the duergar, and have a difficult time seeing the difference between duergar and 
-from stoneTheir society is divided by sex: women are in charge of food +other dwarves. 
-and the running of the citywhile the men do the mining and patrols. They + 
-have a distinct passion for metalwork and gemcraft (especially rubies) even +Svirfneblin appear similar in stature to their surface world cousins, but with 
-above that of their surface cousins. Their skin ranges from medium brown to +rocky gray or brown skinand pale, oversized eyes. Males are always bald while 
-brownish gray, the color of the stone they live within. Males are bald and +females have gray, stringy hair. 
-beardlesswhile women have stringy hair of dull gray shades through to + 
-pale white. Their eyes are black or gray. As racethey tend more toward +Svirfneblin have natural disposition towards the lightthough there are many 
-neutral alignments than their lighter cousins.+among them that follow the path of twilight. 
 +===== Gallery ===== 
deep_gnome.1616334152.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/21 13:42 by titania