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cyric_s_newbie_tutorial [2023/11/09 08:57]
cyric [Thief Tutorial]
cyric_s_newbie_tutorial [2024/08/19 03:46] (current)
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 Updated June 8, 2022 - Oracle tutorial updated to give specific stat recommendations and also add an offensive spell to ease getting through Kilgore Keep\\ Updated June 8, 2022 - Oracle tutorial updated to give specific stat recommendations and also add an offensive spell to ease getting through Kilgore Keep\\
 Updated Nov 9, 2023 - Changed thief build to duelist style\\ Updated Nov 9, 2023 - Changed thief build to duelist style\\
 +Updated Dec 13, 2023 - Slight tweaks to Oracle guide to align with updated spell lists\\
 **Note to everyone**: This tutorial should be periodically reviewed and updated to account for MUD changes. **Note to everyone**: This tutorial should be periodically reviewed and updated to account for MUD changes.
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 If you get stuck, you can always ask for help on the lines (help line use), especially the ooc line.\\ If you get stuck, you can always ask for help on the lines (help line use), especially the ooc line.\\
 Essential to a good experience is a decent mud client so you can see all the pretty colors, but bear in mind scripts and triggers are not allowed.  \\ Essential to a good experience is a decent mud client so you can see all the pretty colors, but bear in mind scripts and triggers are not allowed.  \\
-I use Zmud, but there are plenty of good clients out there.\\+Cmud is probably the one which is most commonly used these days.\\
 --Cyric\\ --Cyric\\
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 ''list'' to see the items, show ''item 1'', ''show item 2'' etc. to make sure you're buying the right one.\\ ''list'' to see the items, show ''item 1'', ''show item 2'' etc. to make sure you're buying the right one.\\
 ''buy large sack'' and ''buy climbing tools''\\ ''buy large sack'' and ''buy climbing tools''\\
-      * eventually you'll want 5 large sacks or backpacks.  They will let you carry more; try not to go overboard (best bet is to stay under 6 containers)\\+      * The limit is 5 containers, plus one of each unique type (like a scroll case), so you'll eventually want 5 sacks or backpacks.  \\
       * do not put sacks inside of sacks, they do not save.       * do not put sacks inside of sacks, they do not save.
       * when you check your inventory ''i'' inside of a shop, it will show you what you can sell at that shop for how much gold\\       * when you check your inventory ''i'' inside of a shop, it will show you what you can sell at that shop for how much gold\\
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 ''list'' to see the items, show ''item 1'', ''show item 2'' etc. to make sure you're buying the right one.\\ ''list'' to see the items, show ''item 1'', ''show item 2'' etc. to make sure you're buying the right one.\\
 ''buy large sack'' and ''buy climbing tools''\\ ''buy large sack'' and ''buy climbing tools''\\
-    - eventually you'll want 5 large sacks or backpacks.  They will let you carry more; try not to go overboard (best bet is to stay under 6 containers)\\+    - The limit is 5 containers, plus one of each unique type (like a scroll case), so you'll eventually want 5 sacks or backpacks.  \\
     - do not put sacks inside of sacks, they do not save.     - do not put sacks inside of sacks, they do not save.
     - when you check your inventory ''i'' inside of a shop, it will show you what you can sell at that shop for how much gold\\     - when you check your inventory ''i'' inside of a shop, it will show you what you can sell at that shop for how much gold\\
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 Head north from the Offestry main square until you reach a meadow.  \\ Head north from the Offestry main square until you reach a meadow.  \\
 ''wear robe'' if you haven't already.\\ ''wear robe'' if you haven't already.\\
-''ms1'' to cast monster summoning 1, and some prisms should appear. \\+''ms1'' to cast monster summoning 1, and some animal should appear. \\
 They should grow to double normal size and begin to glow.  If not, you need to ''hardenedminions''.\\ They should grow to double normal size and begin to glow.  If not, you need to ''hardenedminions''.\\
 ''dispell'' will let you see what spells are active and how long you have remaining on the spell's duration. ''dispell'' will let you see what spells are active and how long you have remaining on the spell's duration.
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 you now have a new feat you can add.  We will pick: \\ you now have a new feat you can add.  We will pick: \\
-''feats add spell penetration''we are building towards perfect caster\\+''feats add greater spell power''more caster levels are good\\
 ''cl me'' to heal yourself to max hp\\ ''cl me'' to heal yourself to max hp\\
 ''master'' shows us we have a free level 1 spell slot. \\ ''master'' shows us we have a free level 1 spell slot. \\
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 Go 1 north to the town square (Caerveron Square).  \\ Go 1 north to the town square (Caerveron Square).  \\
 We're going to use this room (and the yard of the crown and castle inn) as a central point for directions going forward.  The town square is near the southern side of Tabor.\\ We're going to use this room (and the yard of the crown and castle inn) as a central point for directions going forward.  The town square is near the southern side of Tabor.\\
-We also have two new feats we can add.  ''feats spellcraft greater spell power'', ''feats add perfect caster'' This will allow us to use area effect spells without damaging our fodder or party members.\\+We also have two new feats we can add.  ''feats spellcraft spell penetration'', ''feats add perfect caster'' This will allow us to use area effect spells without damaging our fodder or party members.\\
 We also receive a coif +1, ''study coif'', ''wear coif''\\ We also receive a coif +1, ''study coif'', ''wear coif''\\
     - this coif is good as it will increase to +2 at level 12 and +3 at level 18.\\     - this coif is good as it will increase to +2 at level 12 and +3 at level 18.\\
 We also open up our first level 3 spell slot, excellent. We also open up our first level 3 spell slot, excellent.
 ''alias prep3 prepare oracle level 3 times 50'', ''prep3'' ''alias prep3 prepare oracle level 3 times 50'', ''prep3''
-''master searing light'', ''alias sear cast searing light on $*'' - there are a lot of great spells at level 3, but we're going to pick up our first real offensive spell to use to take on some toughter monsters.+''master wave of pain'', ''alias wav cast wave of pain on $*'' - there are a lot of great spells at level 3, but we're going to pick up our first real offensive spell to use to take on some toughter monsters.
     - At level 6, we can cast this four times per fight, which, combined with our fodder, should be enough for fights in most low level areas.\\     - At level 6, we can cast this four times per fight, which, combined with our fodder, should be enough for fights in most low level areas.\\
-    - you can ''sl att'' to cast searing light at attacker, which will hit whatever you're fighting.+    - you can ''wav att'' to cast wave of pain at attacker, which will hit whatever you're fighting.
 heal yourself with cure light wounds to go to max hp.\\ heal yourself with cure light wounds to go to max hp.\\
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 When you have enough to advance to level 7, you'll need to find a board (like at the crown and castle), a church, or a dock. When you have enough to advance to level 7, you'll need to find a board (like at the crown and castle), a church, or a dock.
     - at level 7 we get another level 2 spell and another level 3 spell.     - at level 7 we get another level 2 spell and another level 3 spell.
-    - we take eagles splendor to give a little extra oomph to our searing light.+    - we take eagles splendor to give a little extra oomph to our spells.
     - we also take remove blindness because blindness means you can't target anything, and also you can't see where you're going.  Its a very bad time.     - we also take remove blindness because blindness means you can't target anything, and also you can't see where you're going.  Its a very bad time.
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         - ''master spiritual ally'', ''alias ally cast spiritual ally'', ''alias com command ally to $*''         - ''master spiritual ally'', ''alias ally cast spiritual ally'', ''alias com command ally to $*''
         - this lets us summon a spiritual ally, which is a powerful summons that we can command to do things for us.  ''help spiritual ally''         - this lets us summon a spiritual ally, which is a powerful summons that we can command to do things for us.  ''help spiritual ally''
-        - it is an excellent and versatile spell.  You can command your ally to ''protect'' you, for additional defense above what your prisms do.  You can use it scout areas ahead of you and trip traps that may be blocking exits.  With your high cha, monsters are unlikely to attack you, so you can command your ally to attack them first if you're not sure how strong they are.  Try out different commands and see what works with it.  +        - it is an excellent and versatile spell.  You can command your ally to ''protect'' you, for additional defense above what your summoned animals can do.  You can use it scout areas ahead of you and trip traps that may be blocking exits.  With your high cha, monsters are unlikely to attack you, so you can command your ally to attack them first if you're not sure how strong they are.  Try out different commands and see what works with it.  
     - another good level 4 spell is freedom of movement     - another good level 4 spell is freedom of movement
         - if you get stunned, use ''freeme'' to try to unstun yourself.         - if you get stunned, use ''freeme'' to try to unstun yourself.
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         - ''master resist energy'', fire is usually good but if you know what spells are going to be cast against you, you can protect yourself somewhat.         - ''master resist energy'', fire is usually good but if you know what spells are going to be cast against you, you can protect yourself somewhat.
         - This spell also lasts a long time so best to always have it active.         - This spell also lasts a long time so best to always have it active.
-    - thanks to our high cha, we now have 8 level 3 spell slots, so we can be more liberal with our searing light spells, just remember to prepare after every fight.+    - thanks to our high cha, we now have 8 level 3 spell slots, so we can be more liberal with our wave of pain, just remember to prepare after every fight.
     - I killed Laklier after a Yntala leprechuan sent me to the rainbow room (you'll know what this is if it happens to you) at level 9, but it was a tough fight so I recommend waiting until later.     - I killed Laklier after a Yntala leprechuan sent me to the rainbow room (you'll know what this is if it happens to you) at level 9, but it was a tough fight so I recommend waiting until later.
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         - this gives us some bonuses while in combat.         - this gives us some bonuses while in combat.
     - with an area effect spell, we can use the throw command (explained below) to bring larger numbers of monsters into the room with us at once, and hit them with our area spell.  This will make gaining xp faster.  Try it in Yntala forest.     - with an area effect spell, we can use the throw command (explained below) to bring larger numbers of monsters into the room with us at once, and hit them with our area spell.  This will make gaining xp faster.  Try it in Yntala forest.
-        - watch out for your prisms vanishing, that means you'll need to cast another monster summoning soon. +        - watch out for your animals dying, that means you'll need to cast another monster summoning soon. 
-        - use serenity on groups, falling back on searing light when there is only one enemy left or when you run out of level 5 spells.+        - use serenity on groups, falling back on wave of pain when there is only one enemy left or when you run out of level 5 spells.
 Advancing to level 11: Advancing to level 11:
     - we get the option to multiclass here, but we're going to stick with oracle to finish out the spell progression     - we get the option to multiclass here, but we're going to stick with oracle to finish out the spell progression
     - we receive a new spellcraft feat, I picked ''feats spellcraft greater spell penetration''     - we receive a new spellcraft feat, I picked ''feats spellcraft greater spell penetration''
-    - we also receive another level 5 spell, I picked ''master monster summoning v'' because we have enough damage spells (one area and one targeted is really all you need) at level 5 and our level 1 prisms are getting beaten up by more powerful and numerous monsters we're fighting.+    - we also receive another level 5 spell, I picked ''master monster summoning v'' because we have enough damage spells (one area and one targeted is really all you need) at level 5 and our level 1 animal is getting beaten up by more powerful and numerous monsters we're fighting.
     - ''alias ms5 cast monster summoning v''     - ''alias ms5 cast monster summoning v''
     - remember if you're out of level 5 spells and your fodder gets destroyed/dispelled, to fall back on ''ms1''.     - remember if you're out of level 5 spells and your fodder gets destroyed/dispelled, to fall back on ''ms1''.
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 Yntala is really meant for characters leveled to the teens, but we can take it at level 8-9 with our fodder (I was able to do it at 6 straight out of offestry so a newbie at level 8-9 should be ok) if we're careful. Yntala is really meant for characters leveled to the teens, but we can take it at level 8-9 with our fodder (I was able to do it at 6 straight out of offestry so a newbie at level 8-9 should be ok) if we're careful.
     - our high cha means nothing will automatically attack us     - our high cha means nothing will automatically attack us
-    - make sure your monster summoning has duration and your prisms, ally, and weapon aren't too damaged before getting into a fight: ''con target'' to see their health+    - make sure your monster summoning has duration and your fodder and ally aren't too damaged before getting into a fight: ''con target'' to see their health
     - dispell and recast them if they're too beaten up or if the duration is about to expire.     - dispell and recast them if they're too beaten up or if the duration is about to expire.
     - don't forget your AOE shield (shield of dawn).     - don't forget your AOE shield (shield of dawn).
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      * ''alias gac get all coins'', typing gac will get all coins off the ground\\      * ''alias gac get all coins'', typing gac will get all coins off the ground\\
      * ''alias bac bury all corpses'', typing bac will bury all the corpses in the vicinity.  This will only heal you once though, so if you need the HPs, bury them individually.\\      * ''alias bac bury all corpses'', typing bac will bury all the corpses in the vicinity.  This will only heal you once though, so if you need the HPs, bury them individually.\\
-     * ''nickname att attacker'', will let you type att when targeting attackers, useful for the impale and rush feats, which needs to target an enemy.\\+     * ''nickname att attacker'', will let you type att when targeting attackers, useful for looking over an enemy for targeting with the swipe feat.\\
      * ''discern'' will let you know how much base damage a weapon does and how much protection a shield offers.\\      * ''discern'' will let you know how much base damage a weapon does and how much protection a shield offers.\\
      * ''alias wa watch'', allows you to watch your back for thief stabs by typing two letters instead of five.\\      * ''alias wa watch'', allows you to watch your back for thief stabs by typing two letters instead of five.\\
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 ''list'' to see the items, show ''item 1'', ''show item 2'' etc. to make sure you're buying the right one.\\ ''list'' to see the items, show ''item 1'', ''show item 2'' etc. to make sure you're buying the right one.\\
 ''buy large sack'' and ''buy climbing tools''\\ ''buy large sack'' and ''buy climbing tools''\\
-      * eventually you'll want 5 large sacks or backpacks.  They will let you carry more; try not to go overboard (best bet is to stay under 6 containers)\\+      * The limit is 5 containers, plus one of each unique type (like a scroll case), so you'll eventually want 5 sacks or backpacks.  \\
       * do not put sacks inside of sacks, they do not save.       * do not put sacks inside of sacks, they do not save.
       * when you check your inventory ''i'' inside of a shop, it will show you what you can sell at that shop for how much gold\\       * when you check your inventory ''i'' inside of a shop, it will show you what you can sell at that shop for how much gold\\
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 Head north from the Offestry main square until you reach a meadow.  There you will be able to use the ''dig'' command.  \\ Head north from the Offestry main square until you reach a meadow.  There you will be able to use the ''dig'' command.  \\
 You'll need to dig around for a while to find the gem the mass has asked you to find; it's in a random area of the meadow. \\ You'll need to dig around for a while to find the gem the mass has asked you to find; it's in a random area of the meadow. \\
-You can use your new command, rush, to damage the rats and snakes there\\ 
 You can use ''con all'' to see the relative health of all your opponents\\ You can use ''con all'' to see the relative health of all your opponents\\
     * you can ''bury corpse'' to regain some hp, or ''bury all'' to bury all corpses at once and leave whatever they were carrying on the ground\\     * you can ''bury corpse'' to regain some hp, or ''bury all'' to bury all corpses at once and leave whatever they were carrying on the ground\\
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 you now have a feats to add.  We will pick swipe: \\ you now have a feats to add.  We will pick swipe: \\
-''feats add swipe'' - gives you the swipe command.  ''alias 1 swipe $*'' This will allow you to use the ''1'' command to swipe the next available enemy, or you can do ''swipe <target>'' to target a specific one.  If it lands, it stuns them, which is great as opens them up for sneak attacks.\\+''feats add swipe'' - gives you the swipe command.  ''alias 1 swipe $*'' This will allow you to use the ''1'' command to swipe the next available enemy, or you can do ''<target>'' to target a specific one.  If it lands, it stuns them, which is great as opens them up for sneak attacks.\\
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         - make sure you study the items first to ensure they're not cursed.         - make sure you study the items first to ensure they're not cursed.
         - searching the filth can also lead to being attacked by leeches         - searching the filth can also lead to being attacked by leeches
-    - the rats won't auto-attack you, but if you attack anything in the room with stab/rush etc, then they will.+    - the rats won't auto-attack you, but if you attack anything in the room with stab/swipe etc, then they will.
     - Shadow sewers also appears on the collector lists.      - Shadow sewers also appears on the collector lists. 
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  - Level 11: We have the option to multiclass at level 11, but we stick with thief, because this is a thief guide.  The goal here is to get to level 21 and break into shadowdancer prestige class.  \\  - Level 11: We have the option to multiclass at level 11, but we stick with thief, because this is a thief guide.  The goal here is to get to level 21 and break into shadowdancer prestige class.  \\
  - Level 12: We pick up another stat point, and we add 1 to strength (we will go to 24 base).  We also get a new feat, and we pick up powerattack, which is a prerequisite for cornugon smash and shatter defenses.  \\  - Level 12: We pick up another stat point, and we add 1 to strength (we will go to 24 base).  We also get a new feat, and we pick up powerattack, which is a prerequisite for cornugon smash and shatter defenses.  \\
- - Level 13: We pick up Use Magic Device, which allows us to read scrolls without the spellcraft skill.  Experiment using the ones you find as random drops, and learn where the magic shops are so you can purchase scrolls when you need them.  Pick up a scroll case so you can carry many scrolls without taking up your entire inventory.  Useful scrolls are also available at the thief guild fences, so be sure to build up some account balances by fencing items and laundering gold.  Spells set their caster level to your thief level when you pick them up, so you'll want to update them from time to time as you advance.  FYI, unless you advance levels before using them, you will need an int modifier of 1 less than the spell level on the scroll to cast them without fail.  See help magical devices for more details.\\+ - Level 13: We pick up Use Magic Device, which allows us to read scrolls without the spellcraft skill.  Experiment using the ones you find as random drops, and learn where the magic shops are so you can purchase scrolls when you need them.  Pick up a scroll case so you can carry many scrolls without taking up your entire inventory.  Useful scrolls are also available at the thief guild fences, so be sure to build up some account balances by fencing items and laundering gold.  Spells set their caster level to your thief level when you pick them up, so you'll want to update them from time to time as you advance.  FYI, unless you advance levels before using them, you will need an int modifier of 1 less than the spell level on the scroll to cast them without fail.  See help [[magical devices]] for more details.\\
  - Level 14: We pick up scramble, which is another defensive passive feat, that lets us dodge some attacks. \\  - Level 14: We pick up scramble, which is another defensive passive feat, that lets us dodge some attacks. \\
  - Level 15: I got cornugon smash which uses our influence (intimidation) to cause victims to be shaken.  \\  - Level 15: I got cornugon smash which uses our influence (intimidation) to cause victims to be shaken.  \\
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 7. Secret Chest: You can summon your secret chest anywhere.  You can command it to pick up items, give you items, and you can dismiss it, and it will save the items.  Use it to keep a spare bit of equipment or store stuff you intend to sell later.  You can't summon it at the same time as your shadow double but since everything is innate you can dispell / dismiss one and summon the other.\\ 7. Secret Chest: You can summon your secret chest anywhere.  You can command it to pick up items, give you items, and you can dismiss it, and it will save the items.  Use it to keep a spare bit of equipment or store stuff you intend to sell later.  You can't summon it at the same time as your shadow double but since everything is innate you can dispell / dismiss one and summon the other.\\
 8. Shadow Stride: Walk through locked doors, can come in very handy.\\ 8. Shadow Stride: Walk through locked doors, can come in very handy.\\
-9. Teleport: First from Shadow conjuration, then from Shadow Jump (which you might as well replace your teleport alias with, once you get it at level 27), this is one of the most useful abilities in the game.  While teleport is useful, even with a chance for misfire, Shadow Jump is the best telport ability in the game; it is instantaneous, and you can do it while in combat. You will need to ''remember here as location'' to set your teleport spots.  I strongly suggest setting at least one to a healer in case you get blinded and need to ''cb'' at a healer to fix your sight.  ''recall locations'' to see where your spots are and how many free spots you have left, and ''unremember location'' to forget it.\\+9. Teleport: First from Shadow conjuration, then from Shadow Jump (which you might as well replace your teleport alias with, once you get it at level 27), this is one of the most useful abilities in the game.  While teleport is useful, even with a chance for misfire, Shadow Jump is the best teleport ability in the game; it is instantaneous, and you can do it while in combat. You will need to ''remember here as location'' to set your teleport spots.  I strongly suggest setting at least one to a healer in case you get blinded and need to ''cb'' at a healer to fix your sight.  ''recall locations'' to see where your spots are and how many free spots you have left, and ''unremember location'' to forget it.\\
 10. Wall of fire: Damages everything that attacks you, and doesn't require perfect caster to not roast your fodder, good AOE spell. \\ 10. Wall of fire: Damages everything that attacks you, and doesn't require perfect caster to not roast your fodder, good AOE spell. \\
 11. Improved armor: Use this when you don't wear leather (to make it easier to sneak, hide, stab, and steal).\\ 11. Improved armor: Use this when you don't wear leather (to make it easier to sneak, hide, stab, and steal).\\
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     - Sphere of the Cosmos from the barrow downs     - Sphere of the Cosmos from the barrow downs
-That just about does it.  If you've gone all the way through this thief tutorial, congrats, it is one of the more complicated classes to play.  You should try out your own build, maybe try going with damage resistance first, or a two-handed weapon build for extra crit & cleave damage.  Or you could go pure dex build and pick up weapon finesse.  However you build your character, you should be able to go pretty much anywhere with your shadowdancer abilities, and they will keep fairly good pace against anything except a pure spellcaster.\\+That just about does it.  If you've gone all the way through this thief tutorial, congrats, it is one of the more complicated classes to play.  You should try out your own build, maybe try going with damage resistance first, or a two-handed weapon build for extra crit & cleave damage, or a dual wielding build for lots of attacks and weapon specials.  However you build your character, you should be able to go pretty much anywhere with your shadowdancer abilities, and they will keep fairly good pace against anything except a pure spellcaster.\\
 Happy Mudding!\\ Happy Mudding!\\
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 ==== Oracle ==== ==== Oracle ====
 1. Feats: Start with Hardened Minions and the spell power feats, then build to perfect caster. \\ 1. Feats: Start with Hardened Minions and the spell power feats, then build to perfect caster. \\
-2. Great Spells: Monster Summoning (fodder), Restoration (recharge stamina), searing light (reliable damage), freedom of movement (breaks stun), spiritual ally (summons a large creature you can command), Serenity (area attack), word of power/recall (teleportation), rebirth (after you die, choose whether to stay dead or return with a full heal), entropic storm (large untyped damage over time to the entire room) \\+2. Great Spells: Monster Summoning (fodder), Restoration (recharge stamina), wave of pain (reliable damage), freedom of movement (breaks stun), spiritual ally (summons a large creature you can command), Serenity (area attack), word of power/recall (teleportation), rebirth (after you die, choose whether to stay dead or return with a full heal), entropic storm (large untyped damage over time to the entire room) \\
 ==== Cleric ==== ==== Cleric ====
cyric_s_newbie_tutorial.1699520275.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/11/09 08:57 by cyric