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cecile_s_leveling_guide [2025/02/10 19:40]
cecile [Cecile's Leveling Guide (OUTDATED) (WIP)]
cecile_s_leveling_guide [2025/02/10 19:40] (current)
cecile [Party Level Difference Guide]
Line 83: Line 83:
 21+ Level Difference: No Exp\\ 21+ Level Difference: No Exp\\
-*Quest Completion EXP does NOT get affected by this.+*Quest Completion EXP does NOT get affected by this.\\
 Thanks Eilistraee and Swus for help!\\ Thanks Eilistraee and Swus for help!\\
-*Some classes and or combination of groups can do things sooner or later! This is just a general guide to help.\\ 
cecile_s_leveling_guide.1739216417.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2025/02/10 19:40 by cecile