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You can manipulate numerous mud settings.

Displays your current values.

Notifications and messages:

brief on|off
This will turn on or off display of room's long description. Useful for screenreaders. Default value is off.

reader on|off
This turns on or off additional screen reader support. Work in progress. Default value is off.

gmcp on|off
This turns on or off additional GMCP support. Work in progress. Default value is off.

brief_combat on|off
This will turn on or off display of verbose combat. Default value is on.

hints on|off
This will turn on or off display of periodic hints. Default value is on.

minimap on|off
This turns on or off the minimap above the room description. Default value is off.

incognito on
This turns on incognito mode. You don't see people nor do people see you on the who list. Once turned on, it cannot be turned off. Default value is off.

logon_notify on|off
This will turn on or off display of people joining the game. Default value is on.

simpleinv on|off
This will turn on or off displaying equipped inventory items in <inventory> command. When it is toggled off, you can see equipped inventory in <eq>. Default value is off.

Experience points and tax:

expgain on|off
This will turn on or off experience gain for your character. While it is off, you will get NO EXPERIENCE. Default value is on.

hardcore on
If you loved good old days and want more. On death, you will lose all equipment and money and return to level 6. Hardcore mode cannot be turned off. Default value is off.

levelcheck off
Disabling this will make you a valid target across all levels. Levelcheck cannot be turned on without petitioning. Default value is on.

no_reward on|off
Opt out from receiving rewards, granted with <reward> command and avatar plots. Default value is off.

taxperc <NUMBER>
This will define how much of your experience gain goes towards paying off your experience tax. This value will grow with your levels, but you may force its increase via this setting. Default value is on.

Terminal and display:

columns <NUMBER>
Set how many maximum columns you do want to see where multicolumn output is applicable and screen width allows. Default value: 0

vcolumns on|off
Set whether you want to sort columns vertically. Default value: off

scrlines <NUMBER>
Set how many lines appear for paged information. Default value: 20

scrwidth <NUMBER>
Set screen width for text wrapping. Formatting in-game is made for 80. Default value: 80

term <TERMS>
This will set your current terminal to a given value. The value 'unknown' sets the terminal to the one without colors. If you cannot see bold black color, terminal with no-black such as ansi-no-black might aid you. Terminals with no-bg setting disable background colors. Default value is set on first login.

set.1713798330.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/22 15:05 by titania