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Stat adjustments lani-ele +4 dexterity, +2 intelligence, -2 strength, -2 constitution
Stat adjustments hon-ele +2 strength, +4 dexterity, -2 intelligence, -2 wisdom
Skill adjustments +2 perception
Misc bonuses +2 natural armor
Innate spells none
Standard alignments LN, NG, TN, NE, CN
Classes restricted lani-ele warlock, monk, bard, barbarian, psywarrior, sorcerer, fighter, paladin, ranger
Classes restricted hon-ele psion, monk, mage, psywarrior, sorcerer, druid, ranger, cleric, bard, warlock
Normal adventuring starting age 20
Average life span 300


Descendants of a long-lost creator race and close cousins of the lizardfolk, Saurians are a race of reptilian-like people originating from a small but advanced civilization on the Saurian Archipelago located beyond the reach in the Danger Ocean. Unlike their less civilized cousins, saurians work together toward the greater good. Due to living in more hospitable environments, they live much longer lives.

They are, indisputably, the strongest naval power in the known world, yet Saurians avoid wars, giving preference to diplomacy and peaceful trade with other races. Their society is based on the rule of elder councils, with age being respected and revered. Due to being a distant power, they are not well known to other races; Attaya is the only island capable of mutual trade with them.

Saurians are born into either the lani-ele, the caste of artisans, magicians, psionists, or the hon-ele, the caste of workers and soldiers. Both castes are equal in the society, and elders of both rule the Saurians.

saurians.1616339529.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/03/21 15:12 by titania