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Basic Crafting

  • craft items skill will let you view the full crafting list of each crafting skill, even if you have nothing invested in the skill itself.
  • You can use alterobj to change various items, including generic objects not made by players. See help alterobj for restrictions. Make sure to take a look at Swus' fancy color editor for maximum prettiness in items. Be warned, alterobj randomizes the quality if you fail a skill check based on the item's type and make.
  • You can repair your own items, based on the type of item it is for which craft skill is involved.
  • Materials do not matter at all for ammunition (last I was told by the staff, free to edit if changed). Materials like silver matter for melee weapons only when calculating against weretigers, for example.
  • Material types do not change much other than this presently (last updated Dec 2021, update if changed). Material quality has a negative or positive impact on how easy it is to mastercraft an item based on quality descriptor. Lower quality means more difficult rolls and thus higher skill required.
  • You must be at an appropriate workstation to make things, like a forge for weaponsmithing, except in the case of tailoring, jewelry and woodworking.

When crafting a mundane item from any of the lists, you use the craft item with skillname and it pulls up a list of materials you can use with it if you have any applicable. So, if you wanted to make an iron pistol, you'd do craft pistol with weaponsmith with a billet of iron in your inventory. Once past the materials menu, you have a number of fields to fill out.

  • 1 Material (A billet of untyped metal : highest quality)

Lists your material type and quality.

  • 2 File name (Unset)

Lets you set the file name which is used for making copies and bringing up information on your previously crafted mundane items.

  • 3 Name (Unset)

Actual item name. Doesn't seem to be used a whole ton?

  • 4 Size (Unset)

Size of the item. For armor and jewelry, it's best to pick something your race size or it won't generally fit. Weapons cannot be changed in size.

  • 5 Ids (Unset)

Identifying tags for interaction. When you look sword and look at an iron longsword, it has had “sword” set as an ID, which may also include “iron sword”, “iron longsword”, and just “longsword”. You can insert multiple, but don't use spaces between the commas to separate them.

  • 6 Short description (Unset)

The appearance of your item on the ground and in your inventory, also when people look at you. Note that the material name (I.E. iron) and the item type (I.E. pistol) are required in your short description. You cannot break up these two words with coloring them with multiple different colors in a single word, but you can make them a singular different color per word.

  • 7 Long description (Unset)

Seen when used with show and look at most commonly. This is the full description of the item and should include all visible features, even trade marks you might include.

  • 8 Lore (Unset)

Shows up when you study the item successfully. If you have a highly customized weapon with a trade mark only you usually use, then you could add your own lore and link it to your character through these recognized traits.

Magical Equipment Crafting

  • Requires the feat Craft Magical Equipment and must be used in a magical laboratory. Easily found in most Mage Towers across various towns. Takes a fair bit of time per attempt to pull off, moving will cancel the process.
  • Costs experience which is added to your exp debt and an amount of enchanting materials based on the overall magical power of the item. This cost multiplies the more enchantments are already on the item, and is cheaper to do if you start with the maximums (+6, +5 for a skill bonus, +4 attribute will cost less than upgrading to that from +5, +4 and +3).
  • Enchanting materials may be gained in great amounts by completing daily demiplane quests. You can also disenchant any magical item to get enchanting materials from it after a short period.
  • Requires a masterwork item made by a player and the skill used to make the item in the first place.
  • Requires you to enchant the item with a number of basic “enchantment” levels prior to anything else.
  • You may use Disjunction on a ring to bring it down from +6 to +0 (no suffix) and wear it in addition to a fully enchanted ring even if it has other bonuses on it (I.E. +skill, +stat), but only one. Disjunction can curse items if you roll high while using it multiple times, be careful.
  • Success chance based on the skill the item was made with. Mages and Warlocks get a hidden +5 bonus to rolls made using craft enchant. Failure destroys a randomized fraction of the materials you're trying to use.

craft enchant brings up a menu for you which may be a bit overwhelming at first. It includes a number of functions, one of the most important two being the cost command in-menu. It lets you show the cost of enchanting the item, which is extremely useful for planning.

Types of Enchantments

There are a lot. This covers each type briefly.

Basic Enchantment

This is effectively the “+1” and vice versa you see at the end of an identified item and is required prior to placing anything else onto an item. Negative numbers mean the item is cursed and dictate the strength of the curse, the further into negative it is, the heavier the curse. Basic enchantment levels go up to +6 and you gain them based on your character level, with +1 being gained at level 14 and one more every 7 levels after. Please note that on wearables, +1 adds +1 AC, and for weapons the enchantment level adds(? correct me if wrong) attack bonus and damage bonus. This means wearing a hat with +6 enchantment and nothing else added means you will still gain +6 armor class.


Allows you to boost a stat. Note that two different items that give +attribute will not stack. Max attribute bonus from player made items is +4.

 strength                dexterity               constitution            
 intelligence            wisdom                  charisma    

Bonus Spell Slots

Self explanatory. The one without a level assigned is a bonus to *all* available spell slots.

 bonus_spell_slots       bonus_spell_slots_1     
 bonus_spell_slots_2     bonus_spell_slots_3     bonus_spell_slots_4     
 bonus_spell_slots_5     bonus_spell_slots_6     bonus_spell_slots_7     
 bonus_spell_slots_8     bonus_spell_slots_9  


Reduces damage taken from the type by your bonus value. Untyped is used for resisting damage from stuff like Erosion Touch and Ruin. Max resistance value on an item is based on type. Damage resistance is all physical damage types and maxes at 5, specific physical damage types (bludgeoning, piercing, slashing) go up to 5, max anything else appears to be 20-25. Magic resistance (spell resistance) max value from player items maxes at 3.

 magic resistance      spell damage resistance damage resistance    
 fire resistance       cold resistance         electricity resistance  
 acid resistance       sonic resistance        bludgeoning resistance  
 piercing resistance   slashing resistance     silver resistance       
 force resistance      divine resistance       untyped resistance      
 mental resistance     radiant resistance      void resistance    
 cold iron resistance  positive energy resistance  negative energy resistance

Miscellaneous Bonuses

Everything from caster level bonuses to spell penetration bonuses to altering your sight or saves. Fast healing can only be added at +4 or higher and only goes up to +1 fast healing.

 armor bonus             attack bonus            damage bonus            
 max hp bonus            sight bonus             caster level            
 spell penetration       shieldMiss              reflex 
 fortitude               will                    fast healing

Skill Bonuses

Self-explanatory. Max bonus value of +5.

 academics               athletics               disguise                
 dungeoneering           endurance               healing                 
 influence               perception              rope use                
 stealth                 spellcraft              survival                


Weapon specials are actions that can occur each round, it can do stuff like stun or blind a target if you land a hit. Armor specials can proc on that particular item being struck by by a weapon or fist. Reflect on armor reflects some damage taken to the attacker when activated by an incoming hit. Repair specials repair the struck item in question.

 Armors are allowed the following specials : 
  stun, trip, heal, attack, repair, disarm, reflect, bleed, blind
 Weapons are allowed the following specials : 
  stun, trip, heal, attack, repair, poison, bleed, blind.

Spell Enchanting

  • Requires the Enchant feat, which requires you to be a pure caster class of some kind.
  • Maximum of ten charges, may recharge with any spell after the charges are used.
  • Costs a nonmagical gem, gold and adds small amounts of exp tax.
  • Cannot use any sort of negative or positive energy-only spell (Heal, Harm, et cetera).
  • May be stacked on top of ANY other bonuses (I.E. from Craft Magic Equipment)

Allows you to add a spell to a piece of jewelry or weapon, enabling you to use the weapon or jewelry to cast the spell at the caster level that was used for its enchantment. Limited charges, but very helpful as anyone can use the spells imbued in this way. Works with mundane PC-crafted items as well as any enchanted items, so you can have that Greater Band of Detection *and* a +6 custom made ring and both can have imbued spells. Jewelry includes things such as pins and necklaces.

Potion Mixing

Fairly simple system requiring healing skill, allowing you to do anything from making your own healing kits to making fabled potions of youth. Reagents can be found from all sorts of creatures and through foraging using the survival skill, as well as in alchemy shops across the lands.

omni_crafting_guide.1651686236.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/04 17:43 by omni