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nightmares made real
Class: warlock : 3
Damage Type: negative energy
Syntax: cast CLASS nightmares made real

By means of this invocation, the warlock cloaks the surrounding area in a horrific dreamscape interwoven with planar energy, making any terrain look, sound and smell like something out of a nightmare. Writhing vegetation, disembodied limbs, animated corpses, smoking pits, miasmic vapors, vile stenches, or anything else that may spring from the caster's imagination. Those in the affected area that are strong of will may realize that these are only illusions, and in doing so resist part of the harm they can cause; those fleet of foot may manage to avoid the ensnaring grasp of the illusionary phantasms.

helpfiles/spells/n/nightmares_made_real.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/09 00:08 (external edit)