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Class: psion : 8
Syntax: cast CLASS mindnet to TARGET

This power is otherwise known as mass telepathy. It will allow the psion to open a telepathy spell with more than one target at the same time. Each target will be able to 'hear' the thoughts of the other targets in the mindnet. The mindnet takes the game mechanic form of a line in the name that the caster has themselves recognized as. \n\nThe actual name of the line is not considered to be IC information, but rather a mechanical method by which to facilitate the spell. The caster must cast the spell multiple times to add more targets to the spell, and each time they cast the spell on a new target, that target is added to the existing mind link. It is possible for a person to be in two or more mindnets at the same time, but it is not possible for one caster to have two seperate mindnet spells under their control at the same time. The caster may remove a person from the mindnet at any time by using <mindnet remove target>.

helpfiles/spells/m/mindnet.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/09 00:08 (external edit)