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Class: psion : 7
Syntax: cast CLASS genesis

You create a small, finite demiplane within the astral plane that you are able to shape, control and reshape it to your liking. This plane will eject everything in it upon dismissal, but its configuration and parameters will save.

Inside the plane you have access to the following commands:

<set plane long DESCRIPTION>

Will change the plane's long description, the thing you see looking at the room.

<set plane short DESCRIPTION>

Will change the plane's short description. This description appears on top of the room's long description and in clairvoyance spells.

<set plane smell DESCRIPTION>

Will change the plane's smells.

<set plane listen DESCRIPTION>

Will change the plane's sounds.

<set plane seal on|off>

Will block interdimensional travel from and into the demiplane with power depending on your caster level.

<feature add NAME as DESCRIPTION>

Will add a feature with the NAME and DESCRIPTION. You can then look at it to see it. You can't add more than twenty features.

<feature remove NAME>

Will remove a feature.

<feature list>

Will list all added features.

<feature clear>

Will remove all features.
helpfiles/spells/g/genesis.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/09 00:08 (external edit)