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cloak of shadows
Class: monk : 11 warlock : 4
Syntax: cast CLASS cloak of shadows on <vision|divination>

This invocation allows the warlock or monk to draw a curtain of shadow energy around him, concealing him from normal and magical detection attempts. It can be used in two ways, though only one at a time. If cast on vision, it will generate a more powerful magical concealment than standard invisibility - it does not require the same direct concentration to maintain, and so it does not fail if combat is initiated. If cast on divination, it will potentially deflect magical divination attempts to locate or watch the caster from a distance. If invisible, the caster can simply forgo his concentration to <step> from the shadows, or with either type of casting, it can simply be dispelled. Both effects can only be centered upon the caster.

helpfiles/spells/c/cloak_of_shadows.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/09 00:08 (external edit)