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Druid Shapeshifts

The shapeshift feat will allow the user to change into another form. While shapeshifted, users maintain their intelligence but also gain the mannerisms and instincts of their shapeshifted form, but they are able to overcome their animal instincts and act of their own free will. Users in animal form can freely speak with other animals, but will need a special feat to communicate with others who do not understand the animal's language. All equipment worn and carried by the user is absorbed into the shapeshifting process and, with the exception of healing vials, will be unusable until the user returns to his or her normal form. Equipment bonuses for worn and wielded armor and weapons will remain when the user is shapeshifted.

Wolf (Level 4)

Variants: coyote, fox, hyena, jackal, wolverine, worg


AC: 2
Base Attacks: 4
Perception: 2
Survival: 2
Cold Resistance: 2
Sight: 3
Damage: 3
Attack: 3
Mastery Feat: Knockdown

Circle of the Claw Bonuses

AC: (2 + lvl / 12)
Attack: 3 + (lvl / 10)
Damage: 3 + (lvl / 10)
Athletics: 4


Default: Low Damage
10: Extra Damage
15: Stun
20: High Damage
25: Trip
30: Heal
35: Blind

Bear (Level 11)

Variants: grizzly bear, kodiak bear, polar bear, black bear, brown bear, panda


AC: 20
Base Attacks: 3
Perception: 2
Survival: 4
Constitution: 4
Cold Resistance: 4
Sight: 2
Damage Resistance: 20
Mastery Feat: Sunder

Circle of the Claw Bonuses

AC: 20 + lvl / 15
Attack: 1 + (lvl / 10)
Damage: 1 + (lvl / 10)


Default: Heal
10: High Damage
15: Stun
20: High Damage
25: Trip
30: Heal
35: Heal

Cat (Level 17)

Variants: cheetah, jaguar, leopard, lion, lynx, ocelot, panther, tiger


AC: 10
Base Attack: 6
Perception: 4
Survival: 4
Stealth: 2
Athletics: 2
Damage: 5
Attack: 5
Damage Resistance: 5
Mastery Feat: Whirl

Circle of the Claw Bonuses

AC: 10 + lvl / 12
Attack: 5 + (lvl / 10)
Damage: 5 + (lvl / 10)


Default: Trip
10: Extra Attack
15: High Damage
20: High Damage
25: Trip
30: Trip
35: Blind

Dragon (Primeval Champion)


AC: 20
Base Attacks: 4
Perception: 4
Survival: 4
Sight Bonus: 4
Damage: 5
Attack: 5
Damage Resistance: 10
Magic Resistance: 2
Mastery Feat: Impale

Circle of the Claw Bonuses

Attack: 5 + (lvl / 10)
Damage: 5 + (lvl / 10)


Breath Attack (every 8th bite attack)
Death Attack (every 9th bite attack)
Sweep Attack (every 5th tail attack)
Swipe Attack (every 5th claw attack)

Elemental (Archdruid)


Perception: 4
Spellcraft: 4
Sight: 3
Empowered: 2
Spell Penetration: 4
Damage Resistance: 10
Spell Damage Resistance: 10
Magic Resistance: 2
Additional: Ability to breathe in water


Default: Fire/Earth cast Heat Metal, Air/Water cast Chill Metal
10: Water/Earth cast Quench, Fire/Air cast Call Lightning
15: Stun Slam
20: Fire/Air cast Flame Strike, Water/Earth cast Rusting Grasp
25: Fire/Earth cast Heat Metal, Air/Water cast Chill Metal
30: Water/Earth cast Quench, Fire/Air cast Call Lightning
35: Fire/Air cast Flame Strike, Water/Earth cast Rusting Grasp


Bird shapes (crow, eagle, falcon, hawk, owl, raven, vulture, goose) do not receive any additional bonuses but are given the ability to use the <wing> command.

Small and Large Animal shapes are largely cosmetic and additional bonuses do not apply.

druid_shapeshifts.1685125768.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/26 18:29 by titania