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Druid Shapeshifts


Variants: coyote, fox, hyena, jackal, wolverine, worg


AC: 2
Base Attacks: 4
Perception: 2
Survival: 2
Cold Resistance: 2
Sight: 3
Damage: 3
Attack: 3
Mastery Feat: Knockdown

Additional Circle of the Claw Bonuses

AC: (2 + lvl / 12)
Attack: 3 + (lvl / 10)
Damage: 3 + (lvl / 10)
Athletics: 4


Default: Low Damage
10: Extra Damage
15: Stun
20: High Damage
25: Trip
30: Heal
35: Blind


Variants: grizzly bear, kodiak bear, polar bear, black bear, brown bear, panda


AC: 20
Base Attacks: 3
Perception: 2
Survival: 4
Constitution: 4
Cold Resistance: 4
Sight: 2
Damage Resistance: 20
Mastery Feat: Sunder

Additional Circle of the Claw Bonuses

AC: 20 + lvl / 15
Attack: 1 + (lvl / 10)
Damage: 1 + (lvl / 10)


Default: Heal
10: High Damage
15: Stun
20: High Damage
25: Trip
30: Heal
35: Heal


Variants: cheetah, jaguar, leopard, lion, lynx, ocelot, panther, tiger


Base Attack: 6
Perception: 4
Survival: 4
Stealth: 2
Athletics: 2
Damage: 5
Attack: 5
Damage Resistance: 5
Mastery Feat: Whirl

Additional Circle of the Claw Bonuses

AC: 10 + lvl / 12
Attack: 5 + (lvl / 10)
Damage: 5 + (lvl / 10)


Default: Trip
10: Extra Attack
15: High Damage
20: High Damage
25: Trip
30: Trip
35: Blind


AC: 20
Base Attacks: 4
Perception: 4
Survival: 4
Sight Bonus: 4
Damage: 5
Attack: 5
Damage Resistance: 10
Magic Resistance: 2
Mastery Feat: Impale

Additional Circle of the Claw Bonuses

Attack: 5 + (lvl / 10)
Damage: 5 + (lvl / 10)


Breath Attack (every 8th bite attack)
Death Attack (every 9th bite attack)
Sweep Attack (every 5th tail attack)
Swipe Attack (every 5th claw attack)


Perception: 4
Spellcraft: 4
Sight: 3
Empowered: 2
Spell Penetration: 4
Damage Resistance: 10
Spell Damage Resistance: 10
Magic Resistance: 2
Additional: Ability to breathe in water


Default: Fire/Earth cast Heat Metal, Air/Water cast Chill Metal
10: Water/Earth cast Quench, Fire/Air cast Call Lightning
15: Stun Slam
20: Fire/Air cast Flame Strike, Water/Earth cast Rusting Grasp
25: Fire/Earth cast Heat Metal, Air/Water cast Chill Metal
30: Water/Earth cast Quench, Fire/Air cast Call Lightning
35: Fire/Air cast Flame Strike, Water/Earth cast Rusting Grasp


Bird shapes (crow, eagle, falcon, hawk, owl, raven, vulture, goose) do not receive any additional bonuses but are given the ability to use the <wing> command.

Small and Large Animal shapes are largely cosmetic and additional bonuses do not apply.

druid_shapeshifts.1685114261.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/26 15:17 by titania