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Circle of the Claw

Druids of the Circle of the Claw have an extremely strong tie to the animals that dwell in the wilds. They excel at utilizing that connection to better shapeshift into their various forms. They feel a natural protectiveness of forest creatures, though they understand that predator and prey are both necessary for a balanced ecosystem.


  • Disrupting or destroying natural habitats for no purpose is anathema to you.
  • Showing blatant disregard or disrespect for nature is anathema to you.
  • Cities are a blight upon the natural beauty of the wilds. Those who spread civilization and impose its blight upon nature are anathema to you.
  • Circle of the Claw druids gain scaling on their shapeshift forms.
circle_of_the_claw.1679270519.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/03/20 00:01 by titania