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cast CLASS SPELLNAME [as DOMAIN_NAME domain] [on self|here|rand|SPELL_ARGS

This command invokes a spell using your character's chosen class. If a class name is omitted, it will default to the class you are <pose>d as.

Spells might or might not have arguments.

By default, casting accepts SPELL_ARGS, a set of parameters that might be target of the spell or something else. Special argument 'self' will indicate you as the target, 'here' will indicate the room you're in, and 'rand' will indicate a random attacker.

See individual spell help files for specific syntax.


If you're of light resonance you can add the keywords as healing to your cast invocation to convert the spell you name into a relevant healing (positive energy) spell.

If you're of dark resonance you can add the keywords as harming to your cast invocation to convert the spell you name into a relevant harming (negative energy) spell.

If you're of twilight resonance you can convert to either healing OR harming.

Neutral clerics can do both.

For example, if you have light spell prepared you can cast it as cure/cause light wounds the next way:

cast cleric light as healing on TARGET
cast cleric light as harming on TARGET

Positive energy heals living and harms undead. Negative energy harms living and heals undead.


Some spells are innate. They can be cast without preparing them.
ex: cast innate undeath ward


Casting classes also get a few cantrip spells, which can be cast without preparation.
ex: cast cantrip acid splash


Mages get access to Deep Magic at higher levels, which have cooldowns, but do not need to be prepared.
ex: cast deep wish

cast.1713544600.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/19 16:36 by titania