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Animal Companions

An animal companion is an animal chosen by a druid or a ranger as an adventuring aide. The bond between the individual and their animal companion is particularly strong and loyal. The nature of the bond advances the capabilities of the animal as the druid or ranger gain experience over time, even resulting in the companion growing in size considerably.

The type of animal will determine its base stats and natural armor:

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Size AC
ape 13 17 10 2 12 7 L 2
badger 10 17 15 2 12 10 M 4
bear 15 15 13 2 12 6 L 4
bird 15 15 13 2 14 6 S 2
boar 13 12 15 2 13 4 M 12
camel 18 16 14 2 11 4 L 2
cheetah 12 21 13 2 12 6 M 2
crocodile 15 14 15 1 12 2 M 8
dinosaur 11 17 17 2 12 14 M 2
dog 13 17 15 2 12 6 M 4
fox 9 15 13 6 12 6 S 4
horse 16 13 15 2 12 6 L 8
lion 13 17 13 2 15 10 L 2
snake 15 17 13 1 12 2 L 4
wolf 13 15 15 2 12 6 M 4

An animal companion gains use of the following feats as you level up:

LEVEL 3 - Evasion
LEVEL 6 - Resistance
LEVEL 9 - Precise Strikes
LEVEL 15 - Stalwart
LEVEL 21 - Death Ward

Additional Information

An animal companion will hide if you use the hide_in_shadows command, allowing you to effectively sneak about with your faithful friend.

The sic command will order your companion to pounce on an enemy.

You can customize your companion using the following commands:

animal short [DESCRIPTION] - Changes the short description of the companion.
animal long [DESCRIPTION] - Changes the long description of the companion.

To have the animal companion follow you, use animal follow.
To command the animal companion, use <animal command ACTION>
If your animal companion dies, you'll have to wait for a while before summoning it again.

animal_companion_stats.1685119098.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/26 16:38 by titania