The Dragoons - Mercenary Company

Leader - Dougan Frost

Head Quarters - The Merchant Exchange

Political Alignment - strong ties to Torm, and Shadow

While some look at the Dragoons as semi evil due to the slave trade that happens at the exchange, they are simply the hired security for the establishment.

Dougan Frost is an ex member of the Shadow militia that made a fair bit of gold hiring out to caravans headed across the desert. While he looks in his thirties, he made a deal years ago with the seller of youth and was actually in his 30s when the real wars of shadow were taking place. He left his post and formed the dragoons as a mercenary company, protecting merchants from bandits. While their numbers are low, the sheer amount of expertise in the company makes them a force to be reckoned with. They are not very visible, as Dougan turns down most contracts due to his beleifs. Currently there are only two contracts he holds. The merchant exchange contract, and a contract to Father Belanos of a “rapid response” team that can assist the silver thread.