remote viewing
Class: psion : 7
Syntax: cast CLASS remote viewing on <object> (a crystal ball or equivalent)

By means of this power, the psion changes a normal crystal ball into a scrying device. The details of the use of such a scrying device can be accessed by typing <help crystal ball> after a successful cast on a crystal ball. You will be able to scry a player character or a location with the scrying device made by this power.\n\nThe crystal ball used must be of finely polished crystal of a minimum cost of 1,000 gp - such ones are generally found only in psion enclaves as they are both large and fragile, making them impossible to carry around.\n\nYou will not be able to scry a character that you have not recognized previously with the 'recognize' command. Your chance of success in using the crystal ball on a character is less if you recognize someone as something other than their true name, but its better than nothing. You may not scry locations at all unless they are in memory via the remember command.\n\nThere is also a chance that the target of the power may notice that they are being scryed. This depends on their class, and is adjusted significantly by intelligence, and operates independently of any scry detection magic or devices.