Class: cleric : 7
Syntax: cast CLASS rebirth

This spell provides the caster with a certain amount of protection, allowing him to ressurrect himself should he die. The priest will be given a choice at the moment of death and may accept the rebirth offered from his deity, or may journey to the realm of Lysara instead. The priest does in fact die and will still suffer some experience loss (though less than if he had died without such protection from his deity), but he will be reborn in the place he died fully healed and wearing any gear he was wearing at the time of death that is still present.\n\n Special Note: This spell takes place right at the moment of death, before the caster has entered Lysara's plane. As such, should the caster accept the rebirth, he will remember the moments before his death, much as if he hadn't died at all. If he refuses the rebirth, or if 5 minutes passes, the death will continue as normal.