false vision
Class: bard : 5 mage : 5 cleric : 5
Syntax: cast CLASS false vision [on TARGET]

This illusion is designed to foil the attempts of scrying upon the caster. While active, anyone attempting to scry the caster will have to make an opposed roll check, pitting the spells against each other. If the scryer fails the check, they will see a vision of a place out of their nightmares, bringing their greatest fears to light. This vision will cause mental damage to the scryer, and prevent them from seeing their intended target. Unlike detect scrying spells, this will not pinpoint the scryer's location, but will warn of any scry failures that trigger the protection. This spell cannot run concurrently with other scry protection spells. This spell will ONLY protect the target, although it may be triggered by scries targeting others in the room.