
Stat adjustments: +4 strength, +2 constitution, -2 intelligence, -2 charisma

Skill adjustments: +2 perception, +2 endurance

Misc bonuses: +2 natural armor

Innate spells: none

Size: large

Standard alignments: any evil

Classes allowed: barbarian, cleric, fighter, inquisitor, oracle, ranger, thief

Normal adventuring starting age: 15-18

Average life span: 80


Minotaurs are giant muscular humanoids with fur-covered bodies and bull-like heads, cloven hooves instead of feet, and a tail. With the first of their species being the result of a powerful curse on a group of men, it was once believed that all minotaurs were male, but females have been encountered over the years to disprove this theory. Their fur is usually black, brown, red or white, and their eyes are most commonly black or dark yellow.

Minotaurs are strong and fiercely territorial, preferring maze-like lairs and caverns that they navigate with ease due to their instinctive direction sense. Known to be cannibalistic and feed off the flesh of other sentient beings, they will often lure their prey into such mazes to hunt. They are naturally cunning, though not particularly intelligent, and usually travel alone due to their antisocial and vicious nature. They are chased from any civilized place, and most sentient species fear such powerful beasts. In combat, they prefer brute force and martial prowess, which is usually enough to contend with all but the greatest of opponents.