Fey Pact:

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral

Pact Boon - Sonic Resistance (10 + warlock level) percent

Pact Boon - Force Resistance (10 + warlock level) percent

Pact Spells:

Witchfire, Mire the Mind, Eyebite, Bewitching Whispers, Mayhem, Thirsting Tendrils

Roleplay Considerations:

Many a story has been told of a noble family, in times of desperation, turning to the dark denizens of the feywild for a favor in return for a hefty price, such as, their firstborn child. Such pacts are perhaps more common than is widely known as the these dark fey are beings of both subtlety and cunning. Those brave, or perhaps foolish enough to deal with the spiteful natures of the fey can reap great rewards and power, or as is typically the case, curses and ruin.