Government Type : National-Syndicalism (UNITY PARTY)

Ruler : Chancellor Kaspar Strauss (NPC)

Allies : Protectorate of Yniam (CLIENT STATE)

Enemies : Antioch, Torm, Nurval


Tonovi recently underwent a popular revolution, led by Kaspar Strauss, which saw the overthrow and execution of all of the old nobility. Tonovi recently banned the slave trade and released the penned slaves, but has replaced those slaves with enemies of the state. Kaspar Strauss, and the Unity Party, rule with an iron fist as they return Tonovi to the great power it once was.

As a proto-Syndicalist state, Tonovi is heavily influenced by trade unions whose leaderships have the Chancellor's ears in most important economic matters. Kaspar Strauss, himself, is a member of the Tanner's Union, and is often seen wearing his tanner's attire to public functions as a show of his humble beginnings.

Even though Chancellor Strauss wields immense power, there can be no doubt that the Unity Party is a revolutionary movement, which views aristocracy and landed nobility with complete and utter disdain. With that said, the Unity Party is not above using foreign lords in the pursuit of their ultimate aims: to unseat the old order and usher in the new.