How to use the ID “attacker” in combat

While in combat, you will sometimes need to direct your spell or special attack at a specific creature (known as your target). Some creatures have especially difficult names to spell. To ease your typing-troubles, the ID “attacker” is added to any creature you are currently combatting. In addition, each enemy after the first, will be assigned a number, so that you can target “attacker 1”, “attacker 2” etc.


The spell “Magic Missile” requires a valid target to be cast. If you are fighting one enemy named Xcrthull, you can type cast YOURCLASS magic missile on attacker to target Xcrthull.

The feat “Rush” requires a valid target. If you are fighting one zombie and one skeleton, you can type rush attacker 1 to rush the first enemy and rush attacker 2 to rush the second enemy.