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The Dragonkin

The Dragon's Claws

Far to the east of the continent of Atoyatl lays a series of archipelagos known as the Dragon's Claws.

Arid and inhospitable to the vast number of races, only the mighty would survive, growing in power, lost and unknown as the world continued to evolve and shift from what it once was. The same of its people, the dragonkin. A noble and arrogant race, their superiority was inbred, growing with prestige with every battle against enemies unknown to the west.

Though by no means as adept at sailing as their saurian cousins, these dragonkin yet prospered, their civilisation evolving with the ages, eventually taking on the hierarchical monarchy of purity of blood that they are today.

Assaulted on all sides by inhospitable creatures and a harsh environment, the dragonkin thrived, honing their craft to emulate the adeptitude of their progenitor race, the greatwyrms of old.

To the dragonkin, one's self improvement is tantamount to their perfection in the eyes of not just themselves, but their position in the hierarchical nobility and thus, they have grown as a society to venerate those who have mastered crafts without external intervention above all else.

To this end, not only the study of a mage, but the natural talents of sorcery, the martial prowess of an adept blademaster or a master craftsman's works are respected above all things, save blood lineage.

The importance of lineage in the dragonkin

Blood is respected above all things in dragonkin society, and to know one's ancestry spanning back fifteen generations is not just common place, but expected of all welps.

Merit is given to those of rare bloodlines, these exceptional and pure beings possessing innate gifts, such as a greatwyrm's breath, or an elder dragon's wisdom.

The more pure a dragonkin's line of clutched eggs, the closer the people believe they are to perfection, this visible in the nature of their social structure and political outlook; A pure family has dominion over larger holdings and will, by virtue of their birth, gain respect and influence over all facets of their culture.

Social structure

Dragonkin society is predicated upon one major overriding factor: purity is perfection. To this end, they subdivide their people by blood into categorical hierarchical blocks that are used as a mark of social pride.


These dragonkin are the lowest ranks. Their blood is diluted and impure, granting them no elemental affinity. They have the full rights of a citizen, but must obey those above them without question.

Commonly forming the ranks of soldiers or laborers, it is the rare Common who is able to ascend through the regimented hierarchical structure to mastercraftsman, but these anomalies will never clutch eggs of a rank higher than the Commons.


Taking pride in their elemental affinity, the dragonkin hybrids have diluted blood, but it is still strong enough to offer them a draconic aspect. Though their interbreeding is not frowned upon and their scale colors are diluted as to make them not easily identifiable as an elemental type, they still possess a measure of respect in dragonkin society.

If a Hybrid's affinity is strong enough, or if they show potential, they may very well clutch with a pure family to produce offspring.


The elementals are the dragonkin with the most clear signs of their draconic heritage. They are subdivided by their affinity, with some being rarer than others thanks to natural selection, and it is theorized, their location within the world.

The Flamekin are the most numerous, their affinity to fire making them prodigious blacksmiths and warriors, the natural resistances they have to heat allowing them to fight longer and to not tire as easily as others of their kin.

The Stormkin are more rare than the flamekin, but their gifts with the weather serve them as great sailors and farmers.

More rare than even these are the Stonekin. Though rare, their affinity with the earth affords them an unsurpassed ability with construction and landscaping and their ability to navigate cave systems is second to none.

The most rare bloodline is the Tidekin. These elementals have great control over their landscape, calming the violent oceans or, in some cases, a control over the weather, allowing for rain to sow their crops and fertilize their fields, or to fill their reserves of purified water.


Dragonkin society is monarchical, with each elemental subgroup supporting a series of pure noble houses, estates and plains, each maintained by their Commons and Hybrids.

The royal family are the only Tidekin, though the rarity of this bloodline is somewhat underplayed.

Though the King rules from the capital of the Dragon's Claws, each of the islands host royals, with the offspring of that scion's lineage tasked with oversight and preservation of the domain.


The Dragon's Claws islands are arid, rocky and inhospitable to soft-skinned races. To the vast majority of the world, this harsh and unforgiving landscape would weed out the weak rapidly, with temperatures that climax those of the hottest deserts of the Tsarvan lands. Animal life is scarce and dwindling, with only those beasts of hearty constitution left.

Vast plains are interspersed with grand mesas and wide plateaus, but inland, the topography rises into the mountainous peaks of actively volcanic trenches and precarious wind-torn cliffs.

The Dragon's Claw islands are securely set atop a fault line, and thus, tectonic activity is common place.


With the nature of the landscape, along with the elemental touch of the dragonkin race themselves, the flora of the Dragon's Claws is more varied than one might think, with cropland resembling that one might find in tropical coastal locations.

As one travels inland, plant-life begins to change to adapt, with cultures of hearty grasses and trees giving way to mountainous brush and volcanic growth, though this is rare.

It should however be noted that thanks to the Stonekin's innate geomantic affinity, the dragonkin have been able to also develop a thriving culture of subterranean plant life.


With the Dragon's Claw islands being largely unknown, it should come as no surprise that its animal life is adaptable, hearty and able to weather the unforgiving lifestyles they are subject too.

Dinosaur breeds, along with other large reptiles are the predominant beasts, though direbats, giant insects, mountain goats can be encountered.


With the nature of the archipelago and its isolation from all other land masses, the Dragon's Claws are under constant external threat from sea serpents, kraken, dragonturtles and such sentient monsters as sahuagin. Inland, lizardmen tribes and roaming trolls jockey with stone and mountain giants for dominance, whilst in the tunnel systems closer to the volcano peaks, kobolds ply their nefarious trades and scheme.

As its name may suggest, the Dragon's Claws also sees draconic activity, with wyverns and wyrms sometimes nesting in the wilderness.

Dragonkin and military

As evidenced from above, the threats to the Dragon's Claws are vast and varied, with the dragonkin's homeland besieged from without and within.

To this end, their military might is vast and well established, with rapidly deployable legions able to navigate with ease thanks to their winged natures, no matter where the threats may strike.

Not only then do the dragonkin maintain a strong military, with members from Commons to Elementals, but they also possess an airforce, something that is likely only kept in check by their isolationist and highly xenophobic nature.

Dragonkin and crafting

With as many threats as there are to the Dragon's Claws, it should come as no surprise that the dragonkin have developed a culture capable of crafting advanced weapons and armament.

Craftsmen of great skill, the dragonkin also pride themselves in things of beauty and thus, they likewise have a steady Jewel, carpentry and tailoring trade, though it is largely insular, with trades offered for other goods and services, or for favors.

Dragonkin and devotion

Though the inherent superiority of the dragonkin disallow them from submitting to any others, they still see the need in divinity. It is a proven, tangible thing and to worship is not forbidden.

Dragonkin are most likely to devote to Kismet, Seija, Khyron, Cevahir or Kreysneothosies.

Dragonkin nobility disallows them from dishonesty; all they do is right, and thus, trickery, necromancy and deception are beyond the reason of these creatures, but interestingly, so to is any bardic craft. They are not imaginative in the least.

Dragonkin are likely then to become clerics or paladins, but would not become inquisitors.

Dragonkin and relationships

The dragonkin are highly xenophobic, but have had some limited dealings with both the eastern most edge of the continent of Atoyatl, and the exploratory navel saurians who dwell but a few miles from the Dragon's Claws borders.

Upon meeting them, they may find kinship with aasimar or tieflings (resonance dependent) seeing them as touched by the slightest hint of the great power they have been naturally gifted, or with dwarves and gnomes, both fantastic craftsmen in their own right.

They would outright disdain monster races, without exception and would have a heavy mistrust for anyone suspicious looking, stealthy or who allies themselves with monsters.

Dragonkin would find great kinship with the saurians, seeing them as scalekin as they are, and thus vastly superior to the pathetic soft skins that flood the land with their warm-blooded imperfection. They may ally with yuan-ti (resonance dependent) as they too are reptilian, though their nature as monstrous abominations would see more contempt than not.