These commands operate the mud's auto-mapper. When you ''map start'' the mapper, it will begin adding each room that you move into to your map. If you are in a room that is not included in your current map, it will load the first map it finds that contains the room, or start a new map if it does not find an existing one. The number of maps you can save is affected by your intelligence score. Note: if you log out or are disconnected, you may need to restart your mapper. You can use ''map check'' to check whether your mapper is currently running. You can use the ''map note'' commands to add notes to specific points on your map, the ''map route''' commands to plot a route from one point on the map to another (uses your current location as a default starting point), and ''map expand''' to control how your map responds when it encounters an existing room mapped to the location you are moving into. By default, you will just stop mapping, but if you set it to expand, the map will stretch in order to accommodate the extra rooms. ''map view'' \\ Displays your current map. ''map key'' \\ Displays your current map with an explanatory key. ''map start'' \\ Starts the process of mapping your movements. ''map stop'' \\ Stops mapping your movements. ''map clear'' \\ Clears your current map. ''map save [name]'' \\ Saves your current map with the specified name. ''map load [name]'' \\ Loads a map with the specified name. ''map remove [name]'' \\ Removes the named map from your saved maps. ''map list'' \\ Lists your saved maps. ''map check'' \\ Tells you whether or not your mapper is running. ''map show to [name]'' \\ Shows your current map to another player. ''map note add [title][note]'' \\ Adds a note to your map under the given title (Titles must be short - 1 or 2 characters). ''map note remove [title]'' \\ Removes the note with the given title from your map. ''map note read [title]'' \\ Reads the note with the given title. ''map route to [title]'' \\ Gives directions from your current position to one of the notes on your map. ''map route from [title] to [title]'' \\ Gives directions from one of the notes on your map to another. ''map expand'' \\ Allows the map to expand itself if it encounters any clashes. ''map expand off'' \\ Stops the map expanding itself if it encounters any clashes. If you are using Mudlet, these commands may conflict with the native Mudlet mapper. You can avoid the conflict by creating aliases for these commands. Example aliases would be: Map start: ''alias ms map start'' \\ Map stop: ''alias ms2 map stop'' \\ Map view: ''alias mv map view'' \\ Map load: ''alias ml map load $*'' \\ Map check: ''alias mc map check'' \\ Map note add: ''alias mn map note add $*'' \\ It may take some experimenting to work out how best to use this feature, which can be considered 'alpha' at best.