===== INTELLIGENCE (INT) ===== Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons. This ability is important for wizards, psions, and psywarriors because it affects how many spells/powers they can cast, how hard their spells/powers are to resist, and how powerful their spells/powers can be. **Intelligence can be divided into:** **Knowledge -** This is a measurement of the character's educational experiences-whether in a school or on the streets, his grasp of languages, and his memory capacity. A character with a high Knowledge can speak many languages, knows something about several subjects, and can remember the slightest detail of a past event. **Reason -** This defines how well a character handles new information. A character with a high Reason would be good at solving riddles and puzzles, and would be talented at using deductive, logical thinking. **You apply your character's Intelligence modifier to:** * The number of languages your character knows at the start of the game.\\ * You add your intelligence bonus to Academics, Healing, and Spellcraft skills.\\ * INT is very important for wizards, psions, and psywarriors, as the more powerful spells/powers require a minimum to even learn and use.\\ * Mages get bonus spells based on their Intelligence stat.\\ * Psions and psywarriors gain extra power points based on their Intelligence stat.\\ An animal has an Intelligence score of 1 or 2.\\ A creature of humanlike intelligence has a score of at least 3. ==== Stat Scores ==== **4-5: Moronic -** Your vocabulary is often limited to a few words and lots of grunts. Things such as sentences are just beyond you. **6-7: Dim -** You tend to speak in very simple words, like that of a 4 to 6 year old child. Puzzles and riddles often leave you confused. New information thrown at you sometimes leaves you feeling disoriented or confused. **8-9: Below Average -** You can manage to fumble your way in a conversation, though you stick to simple words. Puzzles and riddles throw you off, often taking a few days to figure out some of the moderate ones, and the harder ones often months or years. You come across as being "unschooled", never really having any formal training. **10-11: Average -** The "standard" intelligence of an adult male and female **12-13: Above Average -** You are able to pick up on things easier than the normal individual. Learning a new language or bits of history tends to be somewhat easier for you. Your vocabulary might have a few fancier words thrown in like, opulent or plethora. **14-15: Smart -** Others call you smart. Learning a new language or bits of history and lore is rather easy for you. You're able to carry on a conversation with more scholarly folk with some ease. There are a few subject matters where you are able to recite events from without any hesitation. (example Ancient History of the Tsvaren Empire, Religon, A History of Art, or even Magical Theory) **16-17: Brilliant -** Your brilliance leaves others often astounded or jealous. You are able to pick up on new languages with ease and could be considered a master in many fields of knowledge (such as those mentioned above or plant lore, demon lore, undead lore, a history of warfare). **18-19: Genius -** You are a true genius. You can solve complex riddles and puzzles in your free time for fun. You have a wide range of subjects that you can recite detailed information about. Some might consider you a sage in a few fields, and seek you out for your brilliance. **20+: Legendary Intelligence -** Your intelligence is the stuff legends are made of. People are left in awe at (or perhaps even a bit spooked) just how smart you are.