Orog:\\ \\ Stat adjustments: +4 strength, -2 dexterity, -2 wisdom, +2 charisma\\ Innate spells: none\\ Size: medium\\ \\ Standard alignments: any evil\\ Classes allowed: barbarian, cleric, fighter, oracle, ranger, sorcerer, thief, warlock\\ Normal adventuring starting age: 11-14\\ Average life span: 40\\ \\ Racial Traits:\\ Resistance - +2 natural armor, +1 spell resistance\\ Intimidating - +2 to intimidation checks\\ Low Light Vision - +2 to sight bonus to see in the dark\\ Metalworker - +2 to armorsmith and weaponsmith skills\\ \\ Description:\\ Similar in appearance to their mountain-orc cousins, these underdark denizens are possessed of larger ears and huge, pale eyes. Strengthened from many millennia battling for their own survival in the underdark, they tend to be particularly fierce and cunning foes. They share the love for war with mountain orcs, often taking up positions of leadership among their warbands. However, while mountain orcs revel in the act of war, orogs are content after battle to settle back and enjoy the spoils of their efforts.\\ \\ Warning: This is an advanced race, known as a PK-race. It imposes disadvantages on your gameplay: You will be banned in most cities and shunned across the realm. You start with your NOPK-flag turned off and other players may attack you because of your race. You may not, however, attack a player of a standard race without additional provocation.\\ \\ See also: races, pk rules, orc\\