The world of Sundering Shadows is pantheistic and includes many deities who may be worshipped by mortals. While any mortal may make offerings to any deity to appease him or her, each mortal is also encouraged to choose a patron who will help guide the mortal's life. These are the deities and their spheres of influence.\\ \\ Primordials (Greater Deities):\\ Edea (G): Light/Creation\\ Domains : creation, renewal, protection, good, glory\\ Ashra (E): Monsters/Nightmares\\ Domains : nightmare, charm, darkness, evil, void\\ \\ Deities:\\ Callamir (CG): Luck/Trickery\\ Domains : trickery, charm, good, travel, freedom\\ Cevahir (TN): War/Strategy\\ Domains : strength, war, knowledge, repose\\ Jarmila (NG): Hope/Love\\ Domains : renewal, sun, fire, good, glory\\ Khyron (CE): Storms/Destruction\\ Domains : chaos, destruction, fire, storms, evil\\ Kismet (TN): Magic/Knowledge\\ Domains : fate, knowledge, magic, protection\\ Kreysneothosies (LG): Home/Protection\\ Domains : good, law, protection, war, strength\\ Lord Shadow (LE): Darkness/Tyranny\\ Domains : cold, darkness, evil, law, suffering\\ Lysara (TN): Death/Fate\\ Domains : fate, moon, repose, travel, water\\ Nilith (CE): Undeath\\ Domains : chaos, destruction, evil, undeath, war\\ Nimnavanon (TN): Forests/Weather\\ Domains : animal, earth, plant, renewal, balance\\ Seija (LN): Elements/Balance\\ Domains : air, water, earth, fire, balance\\ The Faceless One (NE): Murder/Deception\\ Domains : darkness, evil, illusion, madness, suffering\\ \\ Demipowers (Lesser Deities):\\ Ebolek (CE): Plague/Infestation\\ Domains : plague, evil\\ Eucalia (CG): Growth/Serenity\\ Domains: plant, renewal\\ Mephasm (LE): Tyranny/Contracts\\ Domains: evil, law\\ Velik (CN): Revolution/Freedom\\ Domains: freedom, chaos\\ Cacia (CE): Hedonism/Vice\\ Domains: chaos, hedonism\\ \\ Each divinity has own set of allies and enemies. Being an ally or enemy does not necessarily mean you must aid or kill on sight. Determine the best course of action for your character based on your character's beliefs, the other individual(s) in question, and past actions and interactions with the individuals or their faith. Refer to their helpfiles for allies and enemies.\\ \\ ** Keep in mind that this pantheon is quite new, and many of these gods are younger even than many mortals. Most of them trace their origin to the Silence, which occurred in 737 SG. In the wake of the Silence, many of the gods have been busy staking their claims or squabbling amongst themselves as they fight for domains or survival, and the pantheon is still in flux. Mortals in the world are still getting to know these new deities and what their desires are. This is your chance, as a player, to push the narrative forward on the deity of your choice. Older players are almost as new to these deities as new players are!\\ \\ See also: domains, individual help files for each deity