Prestige Class\\ Tome Bound Master:\\ \\ Requirements:\\ Level 20 Warlock\\ 20 Base Charisma\\ 10 Points Spent in Academics Skill\\ 10 Points Spent in Spellcraft Skill\\ \\ Class Feats:\\ L1: book of shadows\\ L4: mystic arcana\\ L7: tome of ancient secrets\\ \\ Some warlocks choose to enter a pact with an otherwordly being for enhanced physical prowess. Others for the ability to char their foes with hellfire. The Tome Bound Master, however, chooses to enter a pact for access to arcane and forbidden knowledge, attainable through a singular devotion to their pact.\\ \\ The Tome Bound Master is gifted an ancient tome of knowledge, called a Book of Shadows. This book contains useful cantrips that normally would be out of reach for them. As the Tome Bound Master gains power, this book will reveal further mysteries to them, allowing them access to powers that mortals were never meant to wield.\\ \\ See also: feats, skills, spells, cast, master, warlock