Circle of Winter\\ The cycle of the seasons is essential in pushing forward the cycle of life and death. Everything that grows and flourishes must eventually die, but the depths of winter allow new life to begin anew in the following seasons. The melting snows nourish the soil for the new harvest. Animals hibernate, resting and growing. Winter is a grand reset every year that brings new possibilities.\\ \\ Anathemas:\\ Winter marks the time to rejuvenate, rest and renewal. Many animals take shelter for protection against the cold months to aid in returning life once again in the coming spring. Destruction of natural habitations and tolerating wasteful hunts in winter is anathema to you.\\ \\ Winter brings balance back to the world, where spring brings the blossoms, Winter lays the foundation to allow for spring to blossom again. Interrupting the natural process of the seasons is anathema to you.\\ \\ Winter is the season of freezing death, murder and death is necessary to nourish new life, from the maggots that consume a corpse to old remains being returned to the earth. Nourishing this process is important and disallowing for the process to continue, or for too much life to flourish, is anathema to you.\\ \\ Circle Spells:\\ Chill Touch, Serac, Frost Orb, Ice Shield, Ice Storm, Frozen Breath, Hypothermia, Ice Body, Polar Midnight\\ \\ See Also: Circle of Wildfire, Circle of Pestilence, Circle of the Claw, Circle of Wild Growth