Circle of Pestilence\\ Nature holds a place for diseases and certain "filth", as the civilised races would call them. Druids that concern themselves specifically with this hard but necessary truth are known as the Circle of Pestilence. They devote themselves to ensuring that diseases continue to spread and perform their invaluable function in the world.\\ \\ Anathemas:\\ Disease and pestilence are a natural part of the cycle of life and death. Healing or curing any disease or tolerating anyone else curing one is anathema to you.\\ \\ Insects make up a vital part of nature. From pesky mosquitos to rodents and spiders, they serve in the natural food chain as much as any other living thing. Killing rodents or insects indiscriminately, or tolerating someone else to do so, is anathema to you.\\ \\ Disease is the great leveller, laying low even the most powerful of the world. It controls populations and sweeps away the old to allow for the new. Ignorance and the lack of understanding of this most basic tenet is anathema to you.\\ \\ Circle Spells:\\ Touch of Sickening, Pox Postules, Necrophage, Contagion, Greater Contagion, Epidemic, Plague Storm, Creeping Doom, Swarm Skin\\ \\ See Also: Circle of Wildfire, Circle of Winter, Circle of the Claw, Circle of Wild Growth