''gossip'' \\ Opens an editor from which you can make choices about finding out about rumours, or starting some new ones Once in the editor, you will have access to the following options:\\ ''gossip at random'' \\ Listen out for random rumours from around the Realms ''stop'' \\ Stop gossiping at random ''dig dirt on [name]'' \\ Ask around after rumours about the named person ''start rumour'' \\ Start a rumour about yourself or someone you know ''background'' \\ Create a rumour about your character that will form part of the background information that might be generally discoverable about them ''recall rumours'' \\ Lists all the people you have heard a rumour about ''recall rumours about [name]'' \\ Lists all the rumours you have heard about the named person ''recall rumour # about [name]'' \\ Gives all the details you have heard about the rumour in question ''dig further into rumour # about [name]'' \\ Seek out more details about a rumour you have already heard about someone ''circulate'' \\ Circulate a rumour that you have heard about someone ''quash'' \\ Try to quash a rumour that you have heard about someone (This is harder than spreading a rumour around, and could backfire) ''check'' \\ Check what sort of rumours might be available in the place you are in, and whether you are currently engaged in any gossip Note: Starting a background rumour about yourself may be considered an OOC action, to help establish the known history of your character. However, starting a rumour about someone else, or digging for information about them are definitely IC actions. There is some chance of word getting out about what you've been up to. You can start as many background rumours for your character as you like. However, you will be limited in how many rumours you can start or circulate using the ''start rumour'' and ''circulate rumour'' options, depending on your influence. Once you have exhausted all your gossiping potential, you'll have to wait a while before starting or circulating more.