Days of Thunder, -35,000SG to -30,000SG As the glaciers melted and the seas receded, life appeared and flourished across the face of the realm. Over time rose the creator races, and the lesser ape-like ancestors of humanity. The Sarrukh were the greatest of the progenitors, and from the reptiles and serpents of the earth they shaped the scaled ones, yuan-ti and naga and lizardfolk. For a time, they held dominion of the lands, their vast empires stretching through jungles and across desert sands. Lesser were the Batrachi, who lifted the fish and amphibiae to greater beings, and the Aearee who favored the avians. The mysterious Fey gave rise to their own elusive creations, sprites and pixies and countless other sylvan beings. Beneath the power of these mighty species quailed lesser mortals, given no ability to rise into their own under the dominion of the four great creator races. But, in time, even these greatest of civilizations fell into strife and civil war, many weakened or obliterated from history by the hand of their own kind. A shift in climate forced even more of these once-rulers into hibernation or death, leaving the opportunity for other rising powers to take control of the realm, and ushering in the Dawn Age. Little is recorded of the fate of the creator races; the Sarrukh and Batrachi are said to have fled across the planes, while the Aearee took wing and flew into the west, vanishing from recorded history. The Fey are still said to rule in that hidden twilight realm of Faerie, though its ties are ever tenuous with the real world. Only the descendants of these species survive into living memory, alongside the long-suppressed mortal races that trace lineage to human- and demi-human kind.