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saurians [2021/03/21 15:12]
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-====== Saurian ====== 
-| Stat adjustments lani-ele | +4 dexterity, +2 intelligence, -2 strength, -2 constitution | 
-| Stat adjustments hon-ele | +2 strength, +4 dexterity, -2 intelligence, -2 wisdom | 
-| Skill adjustments | +2 perception | 
-| Misc bonuses | +2 natural armor | 
-| Innate spells | none | 
-| Standard alignments | LN, NG, TN, NE, CN | 
-| Classes restricted lani-ele | warlock, monk, bard, barbarian, psywarrior, sorcerer, fighter, paladin, ranger |  
-| Classes restricted  hon-ele | psion, monk, mage, psywarrior, sorcerer, druid, ranger, cleric, bard, warlock | 
-| Normal adventuring starting age | 20 | 
-| Average life span | 300 | 
-==== Description ==== 
-Descendants of a long-lost creator race and close cousins of the 
-lizardfolk, Saurians are a race of reptilian-like people originating from a 
-small but advanced civilization on the Saurian Archipelago located beyond 
-the reach in the Danger Ocean. Unlike their less civilized cousins, 
-saurians work together toward the greater good. Due to living in more 
-hospitable environments, they live much longer lives. 
-They are, indisputably, the strongest naval power in the known world, yet 
-Saurians avoid wars, giving preference to diplomacy and peaceful trade with 
-other races. Their society is based on the rule of elder councils, with age 
-being respected and revered. Due to being a distant power, they are not 
-well known to other races; Attaya is the only island capable of mutual 
-trade with them. 
-Saurians are born into either the lani-ele, the caste of artisans, 
-magicians, psionists, or the hon-ele, the caste of workers and soldiers. 
-Both castes are equal in the society, and elders of both rule the Saurians. 
saurians.1616339529.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/03/21 15:12 by titania