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current_events [2023/11/22 13:07]
current_events [2024/06/27 12:38]
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 +A minor earthquake rocks the City of Tharis, and a pulse of energy shoots throughout the streets. Much of the infrastructure is undamaged the further west, however those closest to the east side have been damaged and repairs throughout will be needed.
 +The merchant world is abuzz as a massive purchase of ore, lumber and stone has been transacted through the Merchant Exchange. Certificates were redeemed by an anonymous party for what would be a grand project. As a result prices have almost doubled for those commodities. Is it a sign of conflict to come? Or rebuilding from a past one?
 +Flying high above the city of Azha, and within sight of the dark city of Tharis, swooping north over Shadow, and heading towards Torm and Tonovi, and finally Antioch... A large Senzokuan Golden Dragon with a serpent like form was spotted. Why was it flying all over? 
 +A massive fire has broken out at the Rooks Rest, destroying a room and killing at least one. Inquisitors of the Sanguine Shield are investigating but will only comment that the fire and death are considered suspicious. A witness was seen fleeing the scene but no name or proper description were made.
 +With dual proclamations to heroes from every stripe, the creation of the Sanguine Shield has been announced. This military alliance between Graez, Carmorth, Serakii and a recently uncovered nation state of Entrada Carava has already supplied fresh weapons and troops to Graez, military leadership and supplies to Carmorth, and a significant amount of gold to Entrada Carava. Will the alliance stand? Or will politics and greed fell the new hope before it can take hold?
 +The news has steadily spread through the realm. An important military and diplomatic alliance has been signed by several previously neutral parties, led by Graez and Serakii. This new alliance is being solidified by multiple fleets protected by a planned cadre of adventurers over the next few days. The name and full roster of this alliance are still unknown to most but everyone in the halls of commerce and power look for avenues to exploit and profit.
 +Rumours abound that the commander of the Greaz army, commander Ashton, has left his command for a council with the leadership of Serakii and another unknown party. Ashton has only once left his post to a subordinate since taking command.
 +In Tonovi's square a Masked Man dressed in full crimson robes and an all white mask bearing the Crimson Eye of Unity. He speaks in a distorted voice. "I with great pride announce that I will be taking over where Chancellor Strauss once was, will simply be known as The Chairperson. The government will be reformed, and I will hold absolute power over Tonovi's government. Taking us into this new chapter under our new god. Unity. As such, we will be relinquish our hold on Yniam and allow our dear friend Lord Vikaelis, rule over his nation. We will continue to do trade with our new partner, and strive for a better and stronger Tonovi." The crowd was roaring at the new announcement and Tonovi's Government reforms into an Autocracy. Yniam now gains independence and rumors of new trade alliances circle the dagger region.
 +A series of curious murders have taken place around the realm over the past few days. Though the authorities have tried to keep these on the downlow, secrets will inevitably get out- More so if the cover-up is to prevent mass hysteria. Rumours suggest that these victims have been curiously mutilated, and are missing parts of their anatomy. Others hint that a theme killer is on the loose.
 +Unity's popularity in Tonovi is at an all time high, with murmurs and whispers of this new god, the city devotes itself entirely. Among the ranks of the new clergy a masked man is gaining popularity.
 +At 7:00 Waterday, 9 Summerstime, 772 SG the world was greeted by a crimson sunrise. And a large eye appeared over the city of Tonovi, before vanishing, and sending a wave of energy across the world. Tonovi's Unity celebration was turned into a bloodbath, and hundreds perished. The lords and government are among those that fell, and the city works to fill the power vacuum left over.
 +Word travels around Tonovi that Kasper Strauss, leader of the Unity Party will be hosting a grand celebration in Tonovi, in the coming days. All humans are invited, or those that wish to renounce their un-pure blood!
 +The situation for Graez has turned more dire as the once dark lighthouse has been relit, but now with a in evil light that has summoned a constant storm and dragging ships to their doom.
 +The lighthouse on Graez has gone dark. The flame has been extinguished and that the city has determined for safety, no ships should dock outside special permission from Commander Ashton.
 +Murmurs within the church of Eucalia speak of little spirits rising up all over... They are rumored to be called... Seedlings! Said to be the children of The Dryad herself.
 +Reports of an attack has occurred on the temple of Cacia. Damage to the temple itself is minimal but to some of the followers, is another story altogether.
 +News begins to spread across the realms! The Tapestry of Dark Souls has been found and placed once more in the care of those who can best protect it. Many came together to achieve this, including the fey of the veil, the centaur tribes of Eucalia and the clergy of Edea. Under supervision of the Warden of Lysara, Malcolm Aubry, the threat of the artefact, the blue dragon and a number of creatures of the dark were repelled, allowing all to sleep soundly once more, without the threat of impending danger! Thanks once more go out to the up-and-coming Extravagant Boars, who were instrumental in this great achievement.
 +News out of Dagger suggests that a fierce battle took place on the day before the Tyrannos full moon. Lasting until twilight turned towards nightfall, the heroic adventurers of the Extravagant Boars mercenary group were able to fight their way through the hoard, retrieving the artifact known as the Tapestry of Dark Souls. It is suggested that a number of out-of-the-way villages have their survival utterly dependent on the actions of this group, though sightings of an ancient blue dragon have been frequent in the days that followed. 
 +A string of attacks on monsters and monster adjacent by Tonovian Soldiers, within Tonovi and the surrounding areas in Yniam. The attacks by eye witnesses say they were quick, brutal and effective, as if the soldiers were being aided by the help of magics!
 +News from Tabor is that the strix, the winged devils of the wildlands are now making attacks on cities! Three of Tabor's brave city guard were slain, along with one of the psyknights. Their limbs were left behind as perhaps a warning, perhaps a threat at further assaults.
 +The same vortex that seems to be reappearing showed up once more and several cities including Antioch, Shadow, Tharis, Torm and Tonovi have been attacked. Reports of damage towards Antioch, Torm and Shadow is minor, repairs are already underway and will be complete soon. Tharis took substantial damages but repair efforts are on their way there. Tonovi on the other hand, as seen damages throughout the entire city, buildings in ruin, some damaged, streets in shambles and a hole in the southern wall. The chancellor of Tonovi was seen valiantly fighting in the streets along with adventures from all over. Notably the two Lords of Yniam who faced off a large Shadowy Chimera. After the battle of Tonovi, Kasper Strauss made an announcement. Praising the valiant followers of the Unity party and the regular citizens who took up arms to defend their city along the guards and army. And that such an attack will not be left unchecked, preparations are being made to combat such threats in the future. Repairs have begun there as well, but will take much longer to fix.
 +The Elemental King is dead. Long live the King!
 +A Shadow Guard with a half face mask walks into the Shadow square:
 +"Just a little while ago, Shadow was attacked by a group of undead. Grave knights. While the criminal was invisible, our guards can see through such enchantments. The perpetrator was a "voluptuous human with foresty eyes and brown hair". As such a 2,000,000 gold bounty has been set on this necromancer. And a subsequent 250,000 gold reward for any information. The only clue that we have, is a teleport trace has led to the Temple of Nilith. As such, the Council has decided that all Necromancers are not only banned for Shadow but will be killed on sight."
 +Near the outpost in Yniam, a gallows was constructed, and upon them 13 bodies hung for all to see. The Lord of Yniam, Vikaelis, gives a speech about the preservation of Yniam and it's people. Warning them this will be their fate if they attack Yniam again. The bodies that are strung up, are tieflings and satyrs.
 +Torm's queen addresses her people directly with speech: "These monsters have have been put to rest, and justice given to those families who've lost so much. A memorial will be erected on the outskirts of Torm, to memorialize those that lost their lives to these barbaric attacks. Out of this, we have learned, and grown, and shall not repeat the same mistakes again. Torm will be increasing it's guards and add patrol routes around our city. Nilith's worship will be banned within the walls and the surrounding lands under Torm's rule. Khyron's and Cacia's worship be allowed once more. But fanaticism will not be tolerated. Any who step out of line will be met with the executioner's blade. With these measures, we will see stability and safety restored to our borders."
 +Tonovi's Chancellor, Kasper Strauss, makes a public speech as well.
 +"I would like to start off with thanking the Lords of Yniam, Vikaelis and Branwen for the capture of these.. Beasts. This is what happens when we let all those who are not of pure human blood within our gates. All of these culprits? Tainted with blood of devils and fey. Monsters and tricksters. The more we invite the horrid creatures in, the more problems they bring, soon, we'll be overrun. How would you be able to protect your families if they live next door? How will you be able to make an honest living, with a beast at your back ready to strike? I say, never. Any who attack our lands will be met with swift execution, and a public display for all to see. We, the Council, I, your Chancellor,  are here to protect all of Tonovi and our Protectorates from harm, and dispense justice to any who dare threaten our peace."
 +Anti-Monster sentiments are at an all time high within Tonovi and the Unity party gains massive popularity. While the Lords of Yniam gain praise amongst their people as well.
 +In the City Square, a representative of the Crown came forth to give a speech on some of the happenings in the Dagger Region; "We have figured out who the culprits are behind the attacks on out lands with overwhelming evidence, thanks to the aid provided from Adventurers and Locals. The attacks were carried out by followers of Cacia, Nilith and Khyron. A group consisting of each all in a joint venture to target the helpless. We publicly condemn these attacks against the Dagger Region. If we continue to allow these faiths within our walls, we only invite trouble once more. As such the Torm rejects those the faiths and any who openly follow them will be suspended from entering till further notice. We also demand the churches of the three faiths to pay reparations for the damages and the lives taken in these assaults on our vassals." The Queen's popularity rises in the city, while sentiments in Torm towards these three churches lower.
 +News out of Torm is that the temple of Lysara was infiltrated by a gang of cutthroats and thieves! Though the clergy are remaining curiously closed lipped, the prevailing theory is that the vagabonds took something from a hidden vault within the temple grounds. The clergy are asking the faithful, and anyone else who may know anything to step forward if they have any information. In the meantime, citizens of Torm are being asked to keep their eyes out for an old Cevahiran crone under the protection of a fatherly looking human man, a pale elven woman, a blue-haired human woman and a green-haired human man.
 +Scattered reports come in from around Yniam and Torm, that several farming communities were attacked. No one survived. Tonovi and Torm are looking for clues on who is behind the attacks and are offering a gold reward to those that help.
 **11/22/2023**\\ **11/22/2023**\\
current_events.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/07/04 13:10 by titania